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TYPE OF ALERT: Detention without Physical Examination (DWPE)

               (Note: This Import Alert represents the Agency's current
               guidance to FDA field personnel regarding the
               manufacturer(s) and/or product(s) at issue.  It does create
               or confer any rights for or on any person, and does not
               operate to bind FDA or the public.)

PRODUCT:       Kinder Surprise Eggs, the product is made by the Ferrero
               Group and its subsidiaries, and consists of a hollow candy
               egg composed of an outer layer of dark chocolate and inner
               layer of white chocolate.  Enclosed inside the chocolate egg
               is a plastic capsule that contains a small toy.  The non-
               nutritive components (plastic capsule and toy) are
               completely surrounded by the chocolate egg.

PRODUCT CODE:  34F[][]04

PROBLEM:       Confectionery that has a non-nutritive product therein.

PAF:           FIL

PAC CODE:      03819A

COUNTRY:       All

SHIPPER:       All

FEI:           All

CHARGE:        The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to be a confectionery
               that has a partially or completely imbedded non-nutritive
               object [Adulteration, Section 402(d)(1)].

CODE:               Foreign OB

OFFICE:        CFSAN, HFS-606

ALERT:         Section 402(d)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
               Act provides that confectionery that has partially or
               completely imbedded therein any non-nutritive object is
               adulterated unless FDA has issued a regulation recognizing
               that the non-nutritive object is of practical functional
               value to the confectionery product and would not render the
               product injurious or hazardous to health.  The FDA is aware
               that a product called "Kinder Surprise Egg" is available for
               sale and shipment to the U.S. via the Internet at various
               sites, including the following sites: ^

               ^.  FDA's examination of the websites and samples of the
               product establish that the product is a chocolate egg that
               contains inside it a plastic capsule that contains a toy.
               This appears to be a violation of Section 402(d)(1) of the
               Act because the product appears to be a confectionery
               product with a non-nutritive object imbedded in it.  The
               internet vendors all appear to ship the product to the U.S.
               from Canada.  The product may be manufactured in Argentina
               or Germany.  Shipments could be entering the U.S. from any
               source via the Mail.

GUIDANCE:      Districts may detain without physical examination (DWPE) all
               Kinder Surprise Eggs from all countries and all
               manufacturers/shippers.  Inform U.S. Customs and Border
               Protection and the U.S. Postal Service that FDA has interest
               in this product.  Notify the Consumer Product Safety
               Commission (CPSC), Office of Compliance and Field Operations
               (301-504-7520) about the agency's finding of a small toy
               imbedded in a candy product.  CPSC will address any choking
               hazard associated with the toy under its regulations.  FDA
               and CPSC have cooperated in this manner regarding Kinder
               Surprise in the past.


FOI:           No purging required.

KEYWORDS:      confectionary product, imbedded non-nutritive object, Kinder
               Surprise Egg, Chocolate

PREPARED BY:   Sal Evola, CFSAN (HFS-606)
               Doug Randes, DIOP, HFC-170

INTO FIARS:         September 7, 2007