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IA #25-19 - 7/6/94, "Automatic Detention and Surveillance of Fresh Garlic and
          Garlic Products Due to Mold, Decomposition, and/or Insect
          Filth/Damage", Attachment - 10/16/96

TYPE OF ALERT:    Automatic Detention and Surveillance

PRODUCT      :    Fresh garlic and garlic products (See Attachment)

PRODUCT CODE :    Fresh garlic; 25J[][]21,
                  Other garlic products as appropriate

CODE         :    Fresh garlic:  0703.20.000
                  Other garlic products as appropriate

PROBLEM      :    Mold (FLML)
                  Decomposition (MSDC)
                  Insect Filth (FLNF)

COLLECTION   :    03819A - Filth, Mold, Insects
                  03819B - Decomposition

COUNTRY      :    See Attachment

SHIPPER      :    See Attachment

SHIPPER I.D.#:    See Attachment

I.D. #       :    N/A

CHARGE       :    "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
                  Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to consist in whole or
                  in part of a filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance or to
                  be otherwise unfit for food as it appears to contain mold,
                  and/or insect filth, and/or appears to be decomposed
                  [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(3)]."

OFFICE       :    LOS-DO (HFR-PA256)

ALERT        :    In the last six months, LOS-DO has reported an increase in
                  the number of detentions and refusals of fresh garlic from
                  the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) due to
                  mold/decomposition and/or insect filth/damage.  Of 13
                  shipments of fresh garlic entered from 09/01/93 to 03/07/94
                  that have been sampled and analyzed, 10 shipments (77%
                  detention rate) have been detained with the percentage of
                  rejects due to mold/decomposition/insect filth ranging from
                  24% to 61.1%.  This detention rate represented 10 different
                  PRC manufacturers/shippers.

                  During this same time period, New York district had detained
                  8 of 11 shipments (73% detention rate) of fresh garlic from
                  3 different PRC manufacturers/shippers.  Percentages of
                  rejects for mold/decomposition/insect damage ranged from 12%
                  to 48%.

                  Seattle district reported detaining and refusing garlic
                  products due to decomposition.  These had been repacked and
                  processed by Canadian firms using garlic products from PRC.

                  Orlando district (HFR-SE240) reported that shipments of
                  fresh garlic from Argentina, represented by sample numbers
                  1898962 and 1898975, were found to contain decomposition,
                  mold and insect filth and sample number 1898987, was found
                  to contain mold and insect filth, which may have adverse
                  consequences if consumed.

INSTRUCTIONS :    Automatically detain fresh garlic and garlic products from
                  manufacturers/shippers listed in the Attachment.

                  Continued surveillance of other firms shipping or processing
                  garlic and garlic products is also warranted.

                  When districts encounter multiple violative shipments of
                  fresh garlic from the same manufacturers/shippers,
                  recommendation for automatic detention and accompanying
                  information, including laboratory worksheets, should be
                  forwarded to Division of Import Operations and Policy, HFC-

METHODOLOGY  :    Examine the fresh garlic and garlic products for mold,
                  decomposition and insect filth in accordance to the
                  instructions in the FDA Technical Bulletin Number 5 -
                  Macroanalytical Procedures Manual, Chapter V, page V117-


FOI          :    No purging is required.

KEYWORDS     :    Garlic, garlic products, garlic bulbs, decomposition, mold,
                  insects, filth, insect damage

PREPARED BY  :    Linda A. Wisniowski, DIOP, 443-6553.

ATTACHMENT - IMPORT ALERT #25-19                      10/16/96

                         FIRMS ON AUTOMATIC DETENTION

FIRM NAME AND ADDRESS               PRODUCT                 REASON


Digta, S.A.                         Fresh Garlic            Decomposition,
Buenos Aires, Mendoza                                       mold, insect filth
and Santa Fe, Argentina
(3 sites)

CANADA (CA, 260)

Repacker:   (garlic from PRC)       Peeled garlic in        Decomposition
            Sun Pacific Food        5 lb. jars
            1200 Raymur Ave.
            Vancover, B.C.,
            Canada V6A 3L8
            MID #XCSUNPAC1200VAN

Shipper:    (for above repacker)
            Pan Pacific Specialties Ltd.
            1200 Raymur Ave.
            Vancouver, B.C.,
            Canada V6A 3L8
            MID #XCPANPAC1200VAN


Central China International         White Garlic            Decomposition,
Economic and Trading Corp.          bulbs                   mold, insect
22 Huanghe Road                                             damage
Zhengzhon, China

China National Medicine &           White Garlic            Decomposition,
Health Products Import &            bulbs                   mold, insect
Export Corp.                                                damage
Shadong Branch
Qingdao, China

Henan Cereals, Oils &               White Garlic            Decomposition,
Foodstuffs                          bulbs                   mold, insect
14 Jingqi Road                                              damage
Zhengzhou, China

Shangdong Medicines & Health        White garlic            Decomposition,
Products Import & Export Corp.      bulbs                   mold, insect
Qingdao, China                                              damage

Weifang Import & Export Corp.       White garlic            Decomposition,
20 Qingnan Rd.                      bulbs                   mold
Weifang, X, China