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Revisions are bracketed by ***

NOTE:     *** This alert is revised to update the title and to modify the alert
          language. ***

TYPE OF ALERT  :    *** Increased Surveillance ***

PRODUCT        :    Green and Black Olives

PRODUCT CODE   :    21G[][]09 (olives)
                    21G[][]12 (stuffed olives)

CODE           :    0711

PROBLEM        :    *** Inadequate Ph
                    Inadequate PROC ***

PAC FOR             03003 (Low Acid Canned Foods)
COLLECTION          :    03003A (Acidified Foods)

COUNTRY        :    All

SHIPPER        :    All

SHIPPER I.D.#  :    N/A

I.D. #         :    N/A

CHARGE         :    *** If the product has a process filed as an
                    acidified food and the product is determined to have
                    a pH above 4.6, the product is subject to detention
                    utilizing the following charge:

               For Inadequate   pH or for Inadequate - PROC

               "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               Section 801(a)(3) in that the product appears to have been
               prepared or packed under insanitary conditions whereby it
               may have been rendered injurious to health due to
               inadequate acidification [Adulteration, 402(a)(4)]."  ***

OFFICE       : Division of Import Operations and Policy, HFC-170

REASON FOR   : Although green olives are generally fermented foods,
Alert               inadequate fermentation/processing of this product may
                    result in a product with a pH above 4.6 or may allow for
                    the growth of microorganisms that raise the pH to a level
                    that is conducive to the growth of microorganisms such as
                    C. botulinum.  Therefore, green olives with a pH above 4.6
                    would be a low-acid canned food and represent a potential
                    health hazard if they are not thermally processed properly
                    or the pH values are above 4.75.

               Most black ripe olives have a pH greater than 4.6 and must
               be thermally processed as low acid canned foods and comply
               with the low-acid canned food regulations.  Some black ripe
               olives are fermented and may be referred to as "Greek
               Style" black olives; they may be distinguished by a
               wrinkled appearance and soft texture.  However, if there is
               any doubt, pH levels should be below 4.6.  "California
               Style" black ripe olives are partially fermented and
               thermally processed as low-acid canned foods since they
               generally have a pH above 5.0.

               Be alert to shipments from countries where olives are not
               native (e.g. Canada) since these products are easily and
               often repackaged from bulk containers.  Repacking of black
               olives may be used as a mechanism to disguise the original
               unsuitable nature of the goods and may itself contribute to
               adulterated or unsafe food.

               On August 11, 1994, CFSAN issued a letter to the Embassy of
               Greece informing them that review of information submitted
               on the processing of Greek olives had been completed.  The
               review concluded that the following products are normally
               naturally fermented to a pH of 4.6 or below and therefore
               are not subject to the requirements of 21 CFR 108
               (registration and scheduled process filing), 21 CFR 113
               (LACF regulations), and 21 CFR 114 (Acidified Foods

               1. Greek Black Olives in Brine
               2. Calamata (Kalamata) Olives in Brine
               3. Greek Green Olives in Brine (Unpitted)
               4. Greek Green Cut (or Cracked) Olives in Brine
               5. Greek Green Pitted (or Stuffed) Olives in Brine

               In March 2004, sixteen (16) suspected cases of botulism
               were reported to the Italian National Institute of Health
               by hospitals in three (3) adjoining regions in central and
               southern Italy (Molise, Campania, and Puglia).  *** Both
               epidemiologic evidence and information obtained by the
               Italian government regarding preparation of the olives
               strongly suggest that they were the likely source of the
               outbreak.  This outbreak highlights the previously
               documented risk associated with improperly prepared olives.

               Reference: Amy Cawthorne, Lucia Pastore Celentano, et al:
               Botulism and preserved green olives, Emerging Infectious
               Diseases: Vol. 11, No. 5, May 2005, European Programme for
               Intervention Epidemiology Training, Rome, Italy; and
               Istituto Superiore di Sanitā€¦, Rome, Italy

*** GUIDANCE *** :  *** Increased surveillance of green olive shipments
                    is warranted.  Shipments should be examined and/or
                    sampled to check for abnormal containers as well as
                    pH and water activity levels.***

                    In addition, increased surveillance of imported
                    thermally processed black ripe olives is appropriate
                    to insure the product complies with the Low Acid
                    Canned Food (LACF) Regulations and/or the olives are
                    not decomposed.

                    Detain entries of green olives found to have a pH
                    above 4.6 if the firm has not registered and/or filed
                    a scheduled process.  If pH values at or above 4.6
                    are found and the firm has registered and filed a
                    scheduled process, submit the analytical worksheets
                    to HFS-606 for review.

                    Detain entries of black olives (except "Greek Style"
                    black olives) if the manufacturer has not registered
                    and/or filed a scheduled process (21 CFR 108).

                    *** Submit recommendations to place firms on Import
                    Alert 99-04 for elevated pH and insufficient Aw to
                    CFSAN/OC/DE through DIOP in accordance with the
                    instructions provided in theĀ Import Acidified and
                    Low-Acid Canned Foods Compliance Program, (7303.003A)
                    and CPG Sec. 520.300 (Acidified Low-Acid Canned Foods
                      Adulteration Due to pH).  ***

GUIDANCE     :      II

FOI          :      No purging required.

KEYWORDS     :      green olives, black olives, ripe olives, olives,
                    LACF, *** acidified ***

PREPARED BY  :      Sammi L. Hadden, DIOP, 301-594-3853
                    Angel Suarez, CFSAN, 301-436-2146

INTO FIARS   :      March 2, 2007

*** Attachment A :  Firms/products Subject to Detention Without Physical
                    Examination*** 3/14/07

MANUFACTURER/            PRODUCT/            REASON/
SHIPPER                  PRODUCT CODE        CHARGE CODE