Editorial Boards:

  • Associate Editor, 1998 - Present, Interfaces and Free Boundaries
  • Associate Editor, 2001 - Present, Journal of Crystal Growth
  • Associate Editor, 1991 - 2005, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
  • Associate Editor, 1994 - 2002, Journal of Computational Physics

    Membership in Professional Societies: APS, SIAM, Sigma Xi.

    Served on review panels for:

  • DOE Office of Science (1993, 1994),
  • NASA Microgravity Research Program (1991, 1995)
  • NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences (1996, 1998, 2001, 2003).

    Served on organizing committees for:

  • IMA workshop On the Evolution of Phase Boundaries, 9/90
  • IMA workshop on Microstructure and Thin Films, 1/96
  • SIAM conference on Emerging Issues in Mathematics and Computation from the Materials Sciences, 4/94
  • Second SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science, 5/97
  • Third SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science, 5/00 [co-chair]
  • Interfaces for the Twenty-First Century, 10/99

    Organized conference sessions:

  • Fluid Dynamics of Materials Processing, 1993 Joint April Meeting of the American Physical Society, Washington, DC.
  • Interfacial Instabilities during Solidification, SIAM 1990 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.