U. S. Coast Guard Personnel Service Center (PSC)
Separations Entitlements and Debts and Service Validation (SES)

Statements of Creditable Service (SOCS) and Statements of Creditable Sea Service (SOCSS)


Our foremost purpose is to validate creditable military service. We process Statements of Creditable Service (SOCS) and Statements of Creditable Sea Service (SOCSS). These requests can take up to a year for SES/S4 to complete. A SOCS/SOCSS should be requested for members who have:

SOCS Purpose

A SOCS can effect the member's pay by setting the Pay Base Date, Active Duty Base Date as well as Sea Pay. A SOCSS documents your creditable Sea Service history to determine your cumulative career sea time for pay purposes. This document only lists vessels that are sea pay eligible. A SOCS will only be issued for people who are having a SOCS completed and members who have a documented discrepancy in their sea time.

Documentation Needed

For us to generate an accurate service statement we will require all of the member's prior service documentation.

NOTE: For National Guard service, you may also contact the State Adjutant Generals' Office at this website http://www.agaus.org/resources.asp. Click on the State Adjutants General Roster and contact the state where member was attached.

The individual is the primary resource in furnishing this information. (Documentation can be ordered from: http://www.archives.gov/veterans/evetrecs/). A SOCS will not be completed for a member who has no break in service, unless there is prior non-Coast Guard military service.

Documents Containing Errors

If you request a SOCS with a DD-214 that is incorrect, our SOCS will mirror the DD-214 that we receive and would consequently be incorrect, possibly putting the member in an incorrect pay status.

If you have a dispute with the accuracy of a DD-214, you can request a Board of Corrections to Military Records by completing the DD Form 149 at The National Archives website: http://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records/correcting-records.html. For additional information, please visit http://www.uscg.mil/legal/BCMR/BCMR.htm.

How to request a SOCS/SOCSS

For all SOCS/SOCSS requests the SPO should contact PSC Customer Service via an online trouble ticket or and provide the following information:

Interim Service/Sea Service Adjustment

Because it sometimes takes so long to receive records from the National Personnel Records Center and from other Armed Services, we can offer the member an Interim Adjustment. This interim adjustment is based off the DD-214 provided PSC (SES/S4) by the member's SPO.

Because there is the possibility that the DD-214 from the prior service may be incorrect, the SPO must counsel the member that they may be overpaid. Requests for an interim adjustment must contain the following sentence from section 5-C of the Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual:

"The member has been counseled and understands that if the total sea time/prior service added, based on the DD-214, is not supported by the prior service records, then the member will be in an overpaid status."

The purpose of the Interim Adjustment is to help the member get his pay corrected in a timely manner. PSC (SES/S4) will only use blocks A and B for pay base date purposes and will not count any active or inactive time. A SOCS will still be completed once all of the information from the National Personnel Records Center and the member's prior service has been received from the SPO/member. An interim adjustment in no way speeds up the casework process. An Interim Adjustment will be completed as soon as it has been received by PSC (SES) and has been approved for an adjustment.

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Last Modified 9/5/2008