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"" Summary
"" Introduction
"" Vision for the Future
"" Strategic Issues & Challenges
"" Strategic Goals & Objectives: Goal I
"" Strategic Goals & Objectives: Goal II
"" Management Strategies
"" Program Evaluations
"" Next Steps
"" Exhibit 1: Planning Framework
"" Exhibit 2: Customer Service Plan
"" Exhibit 3: Performance Goals, Indicators, & Measures
"" Exhibit 4: Planning Assumptions
Exhibit 5: Key External Factors
"" Appendix: Profile of the RRB
''" Agency Management & Reports
'' Financial Actuarial & Statistical
''" RRB Mission
''" Plans, Reports & Inventories
Railroad Retirement Board Strategic Plan 2006-2011
Exhibit 5: Key External Factors
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The RRB recognizes that there are several key factors external to the agency which could affect the achievement of our strategic goals and objectives. These include the factors shown below.

Factor Strategic Goal(s) Likelihood Potential Impact/ Response
Significant reductions in our administrative budget. Customer Service; Stewardship Possible. The Performance Budget will reflect the impact of funding reductions on these goals.  To date, the RRB has managed to improve some aspects of operations within budget constraints, using various streamlining initiatives and automation of manual work processes. 
Lack of interagency cooperation or support for key operations (e.g., Social Security Administration's wage and data exchange, and the Internal Revenue Service’s tax collections). Customer Service; Stewardship Unlikely.  As other agencies find themselves operating with fewer resources, there is a possibility that their reductions would impact our services. The RRB depends heavily on interagency cooperation and support to carry out many of our functions and services.  We will continue to maintain contacts with key agencies to ensure active coordination and support.
Sudden, unanticipated and significant declines in railroad employment levels. Customer Service; Stewardship Possible.  Payroll taxes are the primary source of financing for railroad retirement benefits.  If economic conditions change significantly, rail industry employers may be required to substantially reduce staffing.  Currently, we anticipate such action only under a pessimistic employment scenario. In the past, declines in railroad employment have resulted in legislation to ensure the solvency of the railroad retirement system.  A similar need for legislative changes may arise if there were a dramatic, sudden, unexpected decline in railroad employment.  The impact could be mitigated if alternate sources of financing are identified.

Major, program-related legislative changes.
Customer Service; Stewardship Possible. The impact of any legislative changes on the strategic goals would have to be fully assessed.
Major, mission-related legislative changes. Customer Service; Stewardship Unlikely.  There have been several proposals to change the structure of the agency, but none have been introduced into the Congress at this time. Legislative changes dealing with the agency’s fundamental mission are not anticipated, and their impact would have to be fully assessed if and when proposals are made.
Loss of public confidence in the railroad retirement system and the ability of the agency to provide necessary services. Stewardship Unlikely.  The continued confidence of both railroad employers and employees and the beneficiary population is a critical factor.  As customer satisfaction remains high, a loss of public confidence is unlikely, provided administrative funding is not significantly reduced.  We will continue to monitor the solvency of the funds, and look for ways to ensure administrative efficiencies to keep costs low.  We will also continue to monitor our customers’ level of satisfaction.

In developing this plan, we recognized that there are a number of potential strategic issues that may arise during the coming years which relate to various external factors listed above. These include, but are not limited to, changes in basic program design, alternative sources of financing, transferring functions to other agencies, establishing performance-based organizations, and privatization. Issues of this nature could cause fundamental changes in the RRB’s programs, operations, structure, and/or financing, and thereby directly impact this plan.

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Date posted: 11/27/2006
Date updated: 11/22/2006