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"" Summary
"" Introduction
"" Vision for the Future
"" Strategic Issues & Challenges
"" Strategic Goals & Objectives: Goal I
"" Strategic Goals & Objectives: Goal II
"" Management Strategies
"" Program Evaluations
"" Next Steps
"" Exhibit 1: Planning Framework
"" Exhibit 2: Customer Service Plan
Exhibit 3: Performance Goals, Indicators, & Measures
"" Exhibit 4: Planning Assumptions
"" Exhibit 5: Key External Factors
"" Appendix: Profile of the RRB
''" Agency Management & Reports
'' Financial Actuarial & Statistical
''" RRB Mission
''" Plans, Reports & Inventories
Railroad Retirement Board Strategic Plan 2006-2011
Exhibit 3: Performance Goals, Indicators, Measures
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Strategic Goal I: Provide Excellent Customer Service

Strategic Objective 1-A: Pay benefits accurately and timely
RRB Performance Goals, Indicators, Measures Measure Fiscal Year
20051 Actual
1 Achieve a railroad retirement benefit payment accuracy rate 2 of at least 99%. Percent accuracy rate Initial recurring payments: 99.62%
Sample post recurring payments:  99.89%
2 Achieve a railroad unemployment/sickness insurance benefit payment accuracy rate 2  of at least 99%.  Percent accuracy rate Unemployment:  98.73%
Sickness:  99.94%
3 Achieve a railroad retirement case accuracy rate 2  of at least 94%. Percent of case accuracy Initial cases: 95.5%
Post cases: 95.8%
4 Achieve a railroad unemployment/sickness insurance case accuracy rate of at least 98%. Percent of case accuracy Unemployment:  98.01%
Sickness:  99.51%
5 Railroad retirement employee or spouse receives initial annuity payment, or a decision, within 35 days of annuity beginning date, if advanced filed.  Percent completed within 30 adjudicative processing days 3 93.1%
6 Railroad retirement employee or spouse receives initial annuity payment, or notice of denial, within 65 days of the date the application was filed, if not advanced filed.  Percent completed within 60 adjudicative processing days 3 97.3%
7 Survivor annuitant not already receiving a benefit receives initial payment, a decision, or notice of transfer to SSA within 65 days of the annuity beginning date, or date filed (whichever is later).  Percent completed within 60 processing days 4 5 92.8%
8 Survivor annuitant receiving benefits as spouse receives payment as survivor, notice of denial, or notice of application transfer to SSA, within 35 days of RRB receipt of the notice of employee's death.  Percent completed within 30 processing days4 94.6%
9 Applicant for any railroad retirement death benefit receives payment, or notice of denial, within 65 days of date filed.  Percent completed within 60 processing days4 96. 9%
10 Unemployed railroad worker receives unemployment insurance claim form, or notice of denial, within 15 days of the date application filed. Percent completed within 10 processing days4 99.8%
11 Railroad employee unable to work due to temporary illness or injury, receives sickness insurance claim form, or notice of denial, within 15 days of the date application filed. Percent completed within 10 processing days4 99.6%
12 Railroad employee, unemployed or unable to work due to temporary illness or injury, receives a payment for unemployment or sickness insurance benefits, or a decision, within 15 days of claim receipt.  Percent completed within 10 processing days4 99.8 %
13 Disabled applicant or family member receives notice of decision to pay or deny within 105 days of the date application for disability is filed.  Percent completed within 100 processing days 4 67.9%
14 Disabled applicant receives payment within 25 days of decision or earliest payment date (whichever is later).  Percent completed within 20 processing days4 6 94.9%
15 Reduce the number of days elapsed between the date the appeal is filed and a decision is rendered.  (Target levels are established annually; the target for fiscal year 2005 was 200 days.) Average elapsed days 207


Strategic Objective 1-B: Provide relevant, timely, and accurate information which is easy to understand.
RRB Performance Goals, Indicators, Measures Measure Fiscal Year
20051 Actual
1 Achieve quality and accuracy of correspondence, publications, and voice communications. Surveys and reviews; number of valid challenges to published data The final report on a widow(er)s survey was completed in August 2005.  The RRB’s score of 90 was the highest of Federal agencies. 

There were no challenges to published data in fiscal year 2005.

Strategic Objective 1-C: Provide a range of choices in service delivery methods
RRB Performance Goals, Indicators, Measures Measure Fiscal Year
20051 Actual
1 Offer electronic options to our customers, allowing them alternative ways to perform primary services via the Internet or interactive voice response systems. Number of services available through electronic media 14  services were available.

Strategic Objective 1-D: Ensure efficient and effective business interactions with covered railroad employers
RRB Performance Goals, Indicators, Measures Measure Fiscal Year
20051 Actual
1 Improve timeliness and efficiency in posting service and compensation data to agency records. Percent of service and compensation records posted by April 15 95.0%
2 Improve accuracy in posting service and compensation data to agency records. Percent of service and compensation records posted accurately 99.0%
3 Covered employer annual reports of employees filed electronically, or on magnetic media. Percent of employee records filed electronically, or on magnetic media 98. 0% (of employees)
4 Enable employers to use the Internet to conduct business with the RRB, in support of the Government Paperwork Elimination Act.  Percent of employers who use Internet-based services and number of services available through electronic media 55% 4
Internet services available


Strategic Goal II: Serve as Responsible Stewards for Our Customers' Trust Funds and Agency Resources

Strategic Objective II-A: Ensure that trust fund assets are projected, collected, recorded and reported appropriately.
RRB Performance Goals, Indicators, Measures Measure Fiscal Year
20051 Actual
1 Debts will be collected through billing, offset, reclamation, referral to outside collection programs and a variety of other collection efforts. Percentage of funds collected to total debts outstanding 66%
2 Release quarterly and annual notices accurately and timely to employers regarding their experience rating based contributions. Yes/No Yes
3 Complete compensation reconciliations at least 1 year before the statute of limitations expires.  (Compensation reconciliations involve a comparison of compensation reported by railroad employers to the RRB for benefit calculation purposes with compensation reported to the IRS for tax purposes.) Percent completed at least 1 year before the statute of limitations expires 100% of the 2002 reconciliations were completed by 12/17/04.
4 Perform monthly reasonableness tests comparing railroad retirement taxes deposited electronically, which represent over 99 percent of all railroad retirement taxes, against tax receipts transferred to the RRB trust funds by the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) to provide reasonable assurance the RRB trust funds are receiving appropriate tax funds. Reasonableness test performed and anomalies reconciled with Treasury (Yes/No) Yes
5 Prepare annual Performance and Accountability Reports (including audited financial statements and other financial and performance reports) by the required due dates. Yes/No Yes.  The Fiscal Year 2004 Performance and Accountability Report was released on 11/10/04.
6 Take prompt corrective action on audit recommendations. Percent of audit recommendations implemented by target date 88.4%

Strategic Objective II-B: Ensure the integrity of benefit programs.
RRB Performance Goals, Indicators, Measures Measure Fiscal Year
20051 Actual
1 Achieve a return of at least $3.60 for each dollar spent on program integrity activities. Amount of savings  and recoveries per dollar spent $5.11: $1.00

Strategic Objective II-C: Ensure effectiveness and efficiency of operations.
RRB Performance Goals, Indicators, Measures Measure Fiscal Year
20051 Actual
1 Continue human capital planning by ensuring there is a cadre of highly skilled employees available for key positions through structured planning and training activities. Measure for fiscal year 2006 and later:  Structured human capital planning activities are continuing
New goal for fiscal year 2006. 
2 Annually assess/update all computer security, disaster recovery, and business resumption plans for the agency. Yes/No Yes.  The agency has completed a Business Impact Analysis and a Business Continuity Plan. 
3 Develop and implement new procedures for responding to and reporting computer security incidents. Yes/No Yes.  The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) was installed on 11/19/04, and was placed in operation on 2/12/05.  The IDS tuning phase was completed by 6/30/05.  Computer security incident procedures are in place and reports of incidents are documented.
4 Assess computer security training requirements and implement an ongoing training program for agency staff. Yes/No Yes.  The agency has established two training tracks.  Track one provides technical expertise and functional skills for IT technical staff, and track two focuses on knowledge of security assessments, planning, policy development and safeguard controls.  All employees requiring IT security education participate in track two; however, technical employees use both tracks. 
5 Implement a methodology to successfully estimate, track and monitor total costs and time schedules for information technology investments through the project life cycle, incorporating both web and mainframe investments. Yes/No The pilot portion of this multi-phase project was completed at the end of fiscal year 2005.  All projects are now being entered and tracked in MS Project. 
6 Assemble and publicize an annual inventory of RRB commercial activities on the RRB Website.  Yes/No Yes
7 Complete public-private competitions on the activities listed on the Federal Activities Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act inventory so as to meet legal requirements and any prescribed targets or goals.  Yes/No New indicator for fiscal year 2006
8 Meet government percentage goal for use of performance-based contracting techniques for eligible service contract funds. Yes/No Yes
9 Support government-wide procurement E-Government initiatives using the point of entry vehicle of www.FedBizOpps.gov for all eligible actions.  Yes/No Yes
10  Complete migration from the agency’s current mainframe database management system (IDMS) to DB2, and initiate efforts to optimize the performance of those databases and further reduce data redundancy.  Meet target dates for the migration.  (Yes/No) Yes/No New indicator for fiscal year 2007

Strategic Objective II-D: Effectively carry out the responsibilities of the Railroad Retirement Board under the Railroad Retirement and Survivors’ Improvement Act of 2001 with respect to the activities of the National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust.
RRB Performance Goals, Indicators, Measures Measure Fiscal Year
20051 Actual
1 Review monthly reports submitted by the Trust. Yes/No Yes
2 Review annual management reports submitted by the Trust. Yes/No Yes
3 Review annual audit reports of the Trust’s financial statements. Yes/No Yes

1 Actual results for fiscal year 2005 represent status as of 9/30/05 unless otherwise noted.
2 The payment accuracy rate is the percentage of dollars paid correctly as a result of adjudication actions performed. The case accuracy rate represents the percentage of cases that do not contain a material payment error. Accuracy rates reflect only those errors that are detected as a result of reviewing a sample of award actions performed during the fiscal year being studied. (A material error is (1) an incorrect payment of $5.00 or more at the point the error is identified, (2) an incorrect payment of less than $5.00 totaling 1 percent or more of the monthly rate, or (3) any situation in which a non-entitled benefit is paid.
3 In audit report 05-05, dated May 17, 2005, the Office of Inspector General found problems with the performance data for these indicators. One significant problem has been resolved, allowing us to report performance for fiscal year 2005. However, there are still some system limitations that prevent inclusion of all internal processing time in the performance data. We are addressing these issues.
4 Measure does not include the time for customer receipt from the U.S. Treasury or Postal Service.
5 We have recently become aware of measurement and reporting inconsistencies which resulted in a net understatement of actual performance. These inconsistencies have been corrected effective with April 2005 data. Therefore, this report is for the last 6 months of fiscal year 2005.
6 This indicator includes both retirement and survivor disability payments. The retirement payments are impacted by the system limitations identified in footnote 3 above. The timeliness of the retirement payments is measured by adjudicative processing days, while the timeliness of the survivor payments is measured by the total processing days. When the system limitations for retirement cases are corrected, this inconsistency will be eliminated.

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Date posted: 11/27/2006
Date updated: 11/22/2006