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A 'Dog' on Titan
A 'Dog' on Titan
This is the clearest view yet of possible surface features on Saturn's giant moon, Titan.

The southern hemisphere of Titan is dominated by a single bright region centered at approximately 150 longitude. (Note that this is not the so-called "bright feature" seen in the HST images at longitude 800 - 1300, an area that was not covered during the present observations).

The equatorial area displays well-defined dark (low-reflection) structures. In order to facilitate their identification, the team decided to give these dark features provisional names - official names will be assigned at a later moment by the Working Group on Planetary System Nomenclature of the International Astronomical Union. From left to right, the SDI team referred to these features informally as: the "lying H", the "dog" chasing a "ball", and the "dragon's head."

Image Credit: European Southern Observatory
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