Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

A Model of the Productivity of the Northern Pintail

Appendix A

Appendix A.  Default Values in the Input File INPUT.PIN
Value Variable or parameter Description
31.0 H Hatch time in days
-5.0 INSTAGE Scaling factor
23.0 INCTIME Incubation time in days
2560.0 FOURSQMI Four square mile acreage
675.0 MINWTN Minimum weight in grams
3.0 INA Scaling factor
800.0 WTBAR (1) Average weight of immature arrivals (grams)
900.0 WTBAR (2) Average weight of adult arrivals (grams)
60.0 WTSTD (1) SD average weights of immatures
60.0 WTSTD (2) SD average weights of adults
450.0 MINWTELP Minimum weight used in egg-laying potential function
15.0 SCALE Scaling factor
15.43 CLUA Regression coefficient for clutch function
0.0631 CLUB Regression coefficient for clutch function
0.89 CLUDEL Scaling factor
4.0 NESTLESS Days before renesting is possible
0.97 ROBELA Regression coefficient Nest Site Selection (NSS) function
0.28 ROBELB Regression coefficient NSS function
2.23 ROBLMIN Regression coefficient NSS function
0.50 SUCCBRK Scaling factor
0.25 SUCSCALE Scaling factor
1125.0 MAXWT Maximum weight (grams) used in weight function
7.5 LOSSLAY Weight (grams) lost per day during egg laying
1.5 LOSSINC Weight (grams) lost per day during incubation
0.587 ASRAF Annual survival rate of adult females
0.555 ASRIF Annual survival rate of immature females
0.719 SSRAF Summer survival rate of adult females

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