Chapter 7.  FDC NOTAM Procedures


Section 1. Transmitting Data to NFDC

7-1-1.  FDC NOTAM Categories 7-1-6. Snow Conditions Affecting Glide Slope Operation
7-1-2. FDC NOTAM Numbering 7-1-7. Air Defense Emergency
7-1-3. Temporary or Permanent FDC NOTAMs 7-1-8. Special Data
7-1-4. Interim IFR Flight Procedures 7-1-9. Laser Light Activity
7-1-5. Temporary Flight Restrictions


Section 2. Cancellation/Expiration

7-2-1. FDC NOTAM Expiration 7-2-4. Retaining FDC NOTAMs
7-2-2. Canceling FDC NOTAMs 7-2-5. Retrieving FDC NOTAMs
7-2-3. FDC NOTAM List

Go to Chapter 8

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