Chapter 3. General Operating Procedures


Section 1. General

3-1-1.  Tie-In Stations 3-1-3.  NOTAM Logs
3-1-2. Classifying NOTAMs 3-1-4. FDC Presidential, Special Security Instructions, or Emergency Air Traffic Rules TFRs


Section 2. Coordination

3-2-1. Originating NOTAMs 3-2-4. Passing NOTAM Data by Part-time FSS Facilities
3-2-2. Coordination with Other Facilities 3-2-5. Non-Federal Facilities
3-2-3. Filing NOTAM Information with FSSs


Section 3. Use of Terms

3-3-1. Use of Contractions and Abbreviations 3-3-3. Runway Identification
3-3-2. Expression of Time in the NOTAM System
Go to Chapter 4

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