FY 05-06

Contacts: Sheree Mixell/Tom Hill

For Immediate Release
January 13, 2005


ATF/Industry Campaign Identifies Person Who Attempted
to Purchase Ammonium Nitrate As Legitimate

WASHINGTON -- The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) said today that the person and company who attempted to purchase between 500 and 1,000 metric tons of ammonium nitrate have been identified as legitimate.

ATF issued a nationwide industry alert Jan. 4 after several industry members reported the attempted purchases as suspicious. ATF has partnered with The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) to promote industry awareness through the "America's Security Begins With You" campaign.

Lewis P. Raden, Assistant Director for Enforcement Programs and Services, said, "ATF has expanded our outreach partnership with various industries and groups that use commercial explosives. The campaign is part of ATF's Explosives Threat Assessment and Prevention Strategy.

"ATF appreciates the immediate response we received from industry members and law enforcement in helping to identify the person and company involved in the alert. The inquiries were legitimate."

Raden asked the explosives community and public to remain vigilant and report suspicious activities involving explosives or chemicals used to manufacture explosives to ATF's Hotline Number 1-800-800-3855.
