FY- 03-09
Contact: Jim Crandall

For Immediate Release
April 11, 2003

Comments Now Must Be Received by June 13

WASHINGTON - The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) announced today that it is extending the comment period for an additional 45 days for a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking involving Federal explosives regulations.

Notice No. 968, originally published January 29, 2003, offered amendments to the explosives regulations relating to fireworks, and proposed to incorporate into the regulations the provisions of an earlier ATF ruling concerning alternate construction standards for explosives storage facilities. It also proposed various amendments to the regulations that have been initiated by ATF, as well as amendments that have been proposed by members of the explosives industry.

Notice No. 968 originally asked that all comments be submitted to ATF by April 29, 2003. ATF now feels, however, that extending the comment period by an additional 45 days is necessary to allow all interested persons to submit their views. The new date by which comments must be received is June 13, 2003.

For the full text of the Notice and instructions on where comments may be sent, visit the ATF Internet web site at www.atf.treas.gov/firearms/rules/index.htm.

ATF is the world's leading investigative agency on firearms, explosives, and arson, providing that expertise to Federal, state, local and foreign governments, and the criminal laws concerning alcohol and tobacco smuggling and diversion. ATF's 4,700 men and women serve to protect the American public and reduce violent crime. More information about ATF and its programs is available on the Internet at www.atf.gov.
