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General Information

Cert Name Paducah-McCracken Co. OEM CERT training
Region Name Western Kentucky
Cert Type County
Street Address
Street Address Cont.
State KY
Zip Code
Phone Number Not Provided
Status Approved
Cert Web Site Not Available
Cert Description
We conduct CERT training in Paducah and McCracken Co. Kentucky. Seven of our City and County Emergency Response members have taken FEMA's Train-the-trainer CERT course in Emmitsburg, Md. We offer CERT training to neighborhoods, hospital staff, school empolyees, and other interested members of the community. We have used our CERT trained citizens in disaster exercises. Submitted by: Mark R. Messens, Director.

Areas Served

No Jurisdictions are currently associated with this cert.

Local Endorsing Organization and Contact

Sponsoring Organization n/a
First Name n/a
Middle Initial
Last Name n/a
Street Address n/a
Street Address Cont.
City n/a
State KY
Zip Code 00000
Phone Number 000-000-0000