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NOAA Fisheries
Office of Constituent Services
Recreational Fisheries Working Group

MAFAC Meeting April 2000

Report of the Fisheries Overcapacity Subcommittee

At the October 1999 meeting, MAFAC passed a resolution "recommending that it provide input and advice to NMFS in its preparation of the comprehensive implementation plan at the development stage addressing the recommendations of the Investment Task Force report and other capacity-related measures."

The ad hoc Fisheries Overcapacity Subcommittee of the MAFAC met from 1:45 to approximately 3:15 on Tuesday, April 19, 2000, and discussed how it can most effectively contribute to the comprehensive implementation plan. Several issue areas were identified that we recommend be explicitly addressed in the plan:

    1. What is the policy underpinning of the capacity reduction plan?
    2. What are the goals and objectives for capacity reduction? How will the goal of a reduction of overcapacity in 15 percent of overcapitalized fisheries be carried out?
    3. How will the government identify and reduce its own role in contributing to overcapacity?
    4. How will capacity management be made a routine component of science-based fishery management? New FMPs should consider capacity limits up front.
    5. How will the incentives that lead to overcapacity be addressed and/or remedied?
    6. How will spill-over effects of capacity reduction be controlled?
    7. How can issues of responsibility and compensation be brought into the discussion?
    8. How can questions of fishing diversification and flexibility be addressed?
    9. What are some alternatives (e.g., non-vessel) ways to define capacity? For example, conld capacity be defined by ports or regions?
    10. How will links between management programs (e.g., permit systems) and capacity increases be made?
    11. What public education on capacity and capacity reduction will be conducted?

We reconmend that these questions be included in the chair's report to Dr. Baker and that he be asked to seek a response from the agency before MAFAC's next meeting, if not sooner.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Hanna, subcommittee chair

NOAA Fisheries Response to MAFAC


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