Wildfire Hazard Information

I received a letter from Donald H. Smith, Jr., Chair, and David Halstead, Vice-Chair of the Wildland Urban/Interface Working Team. They said:

"The National Wildfire Coordinating Group Wildland Urban/Interface Working Team has had the opportunity to review the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program. The program is extremely well laid out, but in our review we found that there was no reference to wildfire within the program. Our team has therefore developed the attached for your review and inclusion into the program."

I am providing you the guidance that they sent to me.

Wildland Urban/Interface Hazard Information - User Instructions

This document contains a list of files that you should have after decompressing wildland.zip files. There should be a total of 4 files. All of the files are in Microsoft Word for Office 97 version 8.0 format, except the README.TXT file. The documents are formatted for a Hewlett Packard LaserJet, Model 4 printer.

Note: If you do not have a HP LaserJet Model 4, the spacing in the document may automatically adjust to your printer's specifications. This may require some repagination and checking the document prior to printing.

  1. Wildfire Hazard; Word Document
  2. Readme - Instructional File

Assistance: If you are unable to access or print these materials, please send an email message to CERT's point of contact.