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General Information

Cert Name R.E.A.C.T. (Richmond Emergency Action Community Teams)
Region Name Richmond, CA., San Francisco Bay Area
Cert Type Local
Street Address
Street Address Cont.
State CA
Zip Code
Phone Number Not Provided
Status Approved
Cert Web Site
Cert Description
The City of Richmond Fire Department Office of Emergency Services offers R.E.A.C.T. (Richmond Emergency Action Community Teams) training to the entire community. Our motto is "The City and the Community working together to protect lives and property." R.E.A.C.T. began in June 1995, developed from F.E.M.A.'s CERT program. Our goal is to help our residents, schools, churches, and business and city employees be self sufficient in a major disaster by developing and training multi-functional teams in basic emergency skills. Classes are taught at community centers across the city by Richmond Fire Fighters. The full course includes four two hour classes covering earthquake preparedness, team development, utlity control, fire fighting techniques, hazardous materials, disater medicine, light search and rescue, disasterpsychology and special needs assesment. Disaster drills are held twice a year to test and re-fresh skills. Students receive a workbook, hard hat and vest. Certified R.E.A.C.T. teams are elligible to complete R.E.A.C.T. Communications training. Students learn how to communicate damage assessment information to the city's E.O.C. via CB radio during a disaster. The certified R.E.A.C.T. team receives a free CB radio which they are responsible for.

Areas Served

11 items found, displaying all items.
Jurisdiction Type
A zip code within the U.S. 94530 (El Cerrito,Richmond)
94801 (North Richmond,Point Richmond,Richmond)
94802 (Richmond)
94803 (El Sobrante,Richmond)
94804 (Richmond)
94805 (Richmond)
94806 (Hilltop Mall,Richmond,San Pablo,Tara Hills)
94807 (Richmond)
94808 (Richmond)
94820 (El Sobrante,Richmond)
94850 (Richmond)

Local Endorsing Organization and Contact

Sponsoring Organization n/a
First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Title n/a
Street Address n/a
Street Address Cont.
City n/a
State CA
Zip Code 00000
Phone Number 510-307-8075