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General Information

Cert Name Chula Vista CERT
Region Name Chula Vista (Southern) California
Cert Type Local
Street Address
Street Address Cont.
State CA
Zip Code
Phone Number Not Provided
Status Approved
Cert Web Site
Cert Description
Chula Vista is the second largest City in San Diego County with over 200,000 residents. One of the largest 200 Cities in the US. The CERT program is brand new and it looks to train ten teams with 12 persons each per year. At completion it is expected to have a budget of over $200,000 dollars per year. The program will be multicultural taking into account the City's demographics and diverse cultural backgrounds. All Citizens, business and City employees are encouraged in participating in this critical element of the Local Emergency response Plan. Chula Vista CERT will be a local 501c-3 non for proffit organization with direct community ownership and participation.

Areas Served

8 items found, displaying all items.
Jurisdiction Type
A zip code within the U.S. 91909 (Chula Vista)
91910 (Chula Vista)
91911 (Chula Vista)
91912 (Chula Vista)
91913 (Chula Vista)
91914 (Chula Vista)
91915 (Chula Vista)
91921 (Chula Vista)

Local Endorsing Organization and Contact

Sponsoring Organization n/a
First Name Carlos C.
Middle Initial
Last Name Bejar
Title n/a
Street Address n/a
Street Address Cont.
City n/a
State CA
Zip Code 00000
Phone Number 619-476-2303