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General Information

Cert Name Nocona Hills CERT
Region Name Northern Montague County
Cert Type County
Street Address
Street Address Cont.
State TX
Zip Code
Phone Number Not Provided
Status Approved
Cert Web Site Not Available
Cert Description
The community of Nocona Hills, the Nocona Hills Volunteer Fire Dept., and The Montague County Emergency Management Director are sponsoring a program to teach citizens the necessary skills to be better prepared for disasters.

Areas Served

One item found.
Jurisdiction Type
A county within the U.S. Montague

Local Endorsing Organization and Contact

Sponsoring Organization Montague County Emergency Management Director
First Name Lorre
Middle Initial
Last Name Upshaw
Title Nocona Hills CERT Coordinator
Street Address PO Box 475
Street Address Cont.
City Montague
State TX
Zip Code 76251
Phone Number 940-867-9790