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General Information

Cert Name Hwy 59 , Webb County
Region Name Webb County, Laredo
Cert Type County
Street Address
Street Address Cont.
State TX
Zip Code
Phone Number Not Provided
Status Approved
Cert Web Site Not Available
Cert Description
To recruit CERT volunteers in the community of Hwy 59, Los Nopalitos, Los Centenarios, Las Lomas I and II and Colorado Acres. To train will volunteers of that rural area in emergency response and form a community emergency response team.

Areas Served

One item found.
Jurisdiction Type
A county within the U.S. Webb

Local Endorsing Organization and Contact

Sponsoring Organization n/a
First Name Juan
Middle Initial
Last Name Vargas
Title n/a
Street Address n/a
Street Address Cont.
City n/a
State TX
Zip Code 00000
Phone Number 956-523-4191