USDA Forest Service

Research & Development Treesearch


USDA Forest Service
P.O. Box 96090
Washington, D.C.

(202) 205-8333

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

20 Newest Pacific Northwest Research Station Publications

  1. Conservation of biological diversity: all things considered. (2008)
  2. Incidence of insects, diseases, and other damaging agents in Oregon forests. (2008)
  3. A management study template for learning about postwildfire management. (2008)
  4. Factors influencing line officers’ decisions about National Environmental Policy Act project design and development. (2008)
  5. A key for predicting postfire successional trajectories in black spruce stands of interior Alaska. (2008)
  6. Oregon’s forest resources, 2001–2005: five-year Forest Inventory and Analysis report. (2008)
  7. California’s forest resources, 2001–2005: five-year Forest Inventory and Analysis Report.  (2008)
  8. Understanding the social and economic transitions of forest communities. (2008)
  9. Powell Butte Research Natural Area: guidebook supplement 38. (2008)
  10. Growing trees where trees grow best: short-term research sheds light on long-term productivity. (2008)
  11. Horse Ridge Research Natural Area: guidebook supplement 37.  (2008)
  12. Northwest Forest Plan–the first 10 years (1994–2003): socioeconomic monitoring of the Klamath National Forest and three local communities. (2008)
  13. A field guide to predict delayed mortality of fire-damaged ponderosa pine: application and validation of the Malheur model. (2008)
  14. Projection-viewer for microscale aerial photography  (1972)
  15. Fuel reduction and forest restoration treatments: once is not enough. (2008)
  16. Timber Products Output and Timber Harvests in Alaska: An Addendum (2008)
  17. Harvest, employment, exports, and prices in Pacific Northwest forests, 1965–2007. (2008)
  18. The Island Research Natural Area: guidebook supplement 35. (2008)
  19. A guide to LIDAR data acquisition and processing for the forests of the Pacific Northwest.  (2008)
  20. Log sampling methods and software for stand and landscape analyses. (2008)

USDA Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 20, 2004

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