Nevada Water Science Center

Flood Chronology of the Carson River Basin, California and Nevada

Why be Concerned About Flooding?

The Carson River Basin, particularly in Carson and Dayton Valleys, was once largely agricultural; however, urban development is rapidly transforming this rural landscape into one of increasing urban density. This growth is occurring at one of the fastest growth rates in the country. The Carson River Basin has a recorded history of both basin-wide and more localized (tributary-scale) flooding, from 1852 to as recently as the 2006 “New Year’s flood”. Going back further in time, using geologic data, evidence of paleofloods (floods that pre-date recorded human history) have been documented throughout the basin (Rigby and others, 1998).

As the information provided in this web site illustrates, flooding occurs quite frequently due to prevalent meteorologic conditions that characterize winter and summer storm patterns. Much of the recent and planned urban development is on floodplains (valley floors adjacent to the river) subject to frequent Carson River flooding, on alluvial fan surfaces that are particularly susceptible to thunderstorm-induced flash flooding, and along the eastern Sierra Nevada and Carson Range foothills where both recent and historic fires have resulted in deforested hillslopes susceptible to mud and debris-flow hazards. As development encroaches on these flood prone areas, flooding becomes more of a concern in both frequency and magnitude.


Rigby, J.G., Crompton, E.J., Berry, K.A., Yildirim, U., Hickman, S.F., and Davis, D.A., 1998, The 1997 New Year's Floods in Western Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication 23, p. 49-55. Ordering information available at <>

Carson Valley

aerial view of Carson Valleyaerial view of Carson Valley

Carson City
View east towards Carson City during New Years floodView east towards Carson City

Johnson Wash
Alluvial runoff, Johnson Wash, July 2005 Johnson Wash, April 2006

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