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Director's Report to the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse - May, 2003

Grantee Honors

Dr. Ronald T. Borchardt, University of Kansas Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, will receive the 2003 Smissman Bristol Myers-Squibb award of the American Chemical Society Division of Medicinal Chemistry.

Drs. Denise Hallfors and Dionee Godette were winners of the 11th annual Douglas S. Leathar Award for their article, "Will the 'Principles of Effectiveness' Improve Prevention Practice? Early Findings from a Diffusion Study," (Health Education Research, 17(4), pp. 461-470, 2002). The article focuses on a major policy initiative meant to make public health practice, at least in the school health setting, more evidence-based. The authors informed their study using the diffusion of innovation perspective, providing the field with important data on the factors that facilitate and hinder program implementation.

Drs. Patti Chamberlain and John Reid, Oregon Social Learning Center, Eugene, Oregon, were selected to be Fellows in the Academy of Experimental Criminology.

Investigators from the University of Southern California's Transdisciplinary Drug Abuse Prevention Research Center received the following honors and awards:

C. Anderson Johnson was Guest Professor of Peking University's School of Public Health; C. Anderson Johnson and Peggy Gallagher received a Citation of Recognition from the Society of Behavioral Medicine; Stanley Azen received a Certificate of Appreciation for Advancing Occupational Therapy Research; Lourdes Baezconde-Garbani was awarded for contributions in advancing Latino Health through research at the 1st National Hispanic/Latino Conference on Prevention and Control in Washington, D.C., and in advancing Latino Health through research advocacy at the National Hispanic/Latino Cancer Network and the National Latino Council on Alcohol and Tobacco Prevention.

The distinguished title of Regents Professor has been conferred on Dr. Howard Kaplan of the Department of Sociology at Texas A&M University. Previously, Dr. Kaplan was named Distinguished Professor of Sociology and the Mary Thomas Marshall Professor of Liberal Arts, all lifetime honors. Dr. Kaplan has been a NIDA grantee since 1980 and is the recipient of a Senior Scientist Award.

Faye Taxman, Ph.D., faculty member of the University of Maryland, College Park, was awarded the University of Cincinnati Research Award by the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) and Researcher of the Year Award from the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.

Kenneth Winters, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota, has been named Associate Editor of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, and Chair of the Technical Advisory Network for the Mentor Foundation (for international drug abuse prevention).

Dr. A. Thomas McLellan, Co-PI from the CTN Delaware Valley Node at the University of Pennsylvania, was honored with a lifetime achievement award from the British Medical Society in London, England, in March 2003.

On February 19, 2003, Dr. Edward Kaplan, William N. and Marie A. Beach Professor of Management Sciences and Professor of Public Health, Yale School of Management, New Haven, Connecticut, was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering (one of the three parts of the National Academy of Sciences) in recognition of his NIDA-supported research in advanced mathematical modeling of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, assessing the public health impact and cost effectiveness of AIDS interventions, and bringing engineering perspectives to the design of public health policies.

Dr. Howard Liddle, University of Miami Center for Treatment Research on Adolescent Drug Abuse, was recently awarded the 2002 Recognition Award for Distinguished Contributions to Substance Abuse Research for Special Populations at the Ninth Annual Conference on Behavior, Clinical Neuroscience, Substance Abuse and Culture.


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