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Text Script of Audio Interview on Tax Hints


Branscome: Hello, everybody, I'm Theresa Branscome from the Internal Revenue Service.  Today we're going to talk about "Tax Hints.”  It's a publication on the IRS website for tax professionals.  It used to be published just once a year, but now it's being published monthly.  Here to talk about it is its editor, Jerry Ruelle.  Thank you for joining us, Jerry.   

Ruelle: Thanks for having me.   

Branscome: First of all, where on is this publication?   

Ruelle: You can get to it most easily from the Tax Professionals page, or you can use the search field on and just punch in "Tax Hints.”   

Branscome: What's in "Tax Hints"?   

Ruelle: "Tax Hints" has got a lot of pertinent information for our stakeholders.  It has top stories and quick links to data all throughout and recent news.  And a special feature is the Director's Corner, where senior executives can address a key topic that has timely value during the next coming weeks.   

Branscome: Okay.  Now, it sounds like you're trying to make it very user-friendly.   

Ruelle: That's what we've been trying to do, and we welcome any comments that readers have to try and make it even more so.   

Branscome: Excellent.  Now, why have you decided to publish it once a month?   

Ruelle: We decided that "Tax Hints" would be more useful once a month because it would allow more opportunities for outreach during the course of the year.  And also bear in mind that our readers are not necessarily the April 15 deadline filers.  They're filing information and returns throughout the year.   

Branscome: I understand you may publish even more frequently than once a month.   

Ruelle: Well, you know, if a news topic comes up right after we've published, we generally will publish another one almost immediately.  We have the capability to do that.   

Branscome: And how will people know if there's an update?   

Ruelle: Well, we're looking at subscription options right now where people can sign up and have it delivered automatically, but until then, the best bet is to check our website for updates, or you could make it a favorite in your browser.   

Branscome: Is there a particular time of the month people should be looking for it?   

Ruelle: Generally, we try and post it toward the end of the month, in the last week.   

Branscome: Okay.  What about old issues?   

Ruelle: We have archived several years' worth of "Tax Hints" on our website.   

Branscome: All right, well, Jerry, thank you so much for this information.   

Ruelle: Thanks very much for giving me the chance to present it.   

Branscome: And thank you all for joining us.  I'm Theresa Branscome.  You can check out "Tax Hints" on the IRS' official website,