Press Releases > Press Release : PTO 95-29

                              PTO 95-29
Contact: Richard Maulsby
         (703) 305-8341

                              PTO Responds to Senate
                              Appropriations Budget Allocations for
                              Fiscal Year 1996


Congressional action that cut $56 million from the Commerce
Department's Patent and Trademark Office budget for fiscal year
1996 will hurt the department's efforts to encourage innovation
and seriously jeopardize its programs aimed at preserving
America's edge in technological competitiveness, the PTO said.

Deletion of the funds by the Senate Appropriations Committee
amounts to an unfair tax on America's inventors and intellectual
property owners, the agency said.

"Cuts in funding to the Department's PTO reflect an apparent lack
of concern for the long-term impact these cuts will have on the
country's economic growth and competitiveness," PTO Commissioner
Bruce A. Lehman said.  "It is yet another example of a lack of
understanding in Congress of the important role the Commerce
Department plays in promoting America's economic vitality," he

Although the PTO operates without using any taxpayer funds, as
was the intention of the Act, these surcharge funds have
repeatedly not been fully appropriated.  As of FY '95, this
shortfall between the money charged to PTO customers and the
money appropriated by Congress amounted to nearly $60 million.
The Senate markup would nearly double the cumulative shortfall of
all previous years combined, leaving a total shortfall of over
$114 million.

The FY '96 budget request by the Clinton Administration for PTO
was set to recover the estimated costs of operation for the year,
without any additional money set aside a reserve.  The cuts as
proposed by the Senate Appropriation Committee markup would leave
the PTO in the position of being forced to cut products and
services in order to reduce outlays to make up for the shortfall.

Although plans for reductions in spending have not been
finalized, cuts may have to come from the suspension or delay in
capital improvements for information technology such as the
suspension of major software development to allow for electronic
filing or to allow PTO examiners to have desktop access to a
database of prior art.  These information technology improvements
are designed to lower long-term costs and to improve customer
service by facilitating quicker examination, reduced pendency,
and the provision of higher quality patents.  Additionally, other
programs may be hurt.  Under consideration are slowing down the
hiring of new examiners, postponing efforts to improve the
quality of work life, reducing training opportunities for
examiners, and letting pendency rates rise.
