Press Releases > Press Release - PAT 95-21

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                      PAT 95-21

Contact: Richard Maulsby              Software Patent Guidelines  
         703-305-8341                 Released Today

     The Patent and Trademark Office has released proposed 

examination guidelines that will apply in the evaluation of 

computer-implemented inventions.  The Office will release a legal

analysis to support the guidelines on June 23, 1995.

     The proposed guidelines were developed to assist examiners
in their review of applications on software-based inventions.
They  respond to recent developments in the law governing the
patentability of computer-implemented inventions, and outline the
Office's policies related to these inventions.  The guidelines do
not have the status of rules, but instead govern the Office's
internal examination policies.

     "We recognize the critical importance of effectively
protecting software innovation," said Bruce A. Lehman, Assistant
Secretary of Commerce and Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks. 
"The guidelines are the first step in our efforts to make the
patent system more receptive to software innovation.  Our
guidelines will enable us to satisfy our mission of issuing valid
and enforceable patent rights," he continued.

     The proposed guidelines have been published for public
comment and are available electronically on the PTO's World Wide
Web server (  Comments on the guidelines and legal
analysis will be accepted until July 31, 1995.  The office hopes
to finalize the guidelines by September of this year.

