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Liposuction Information
(Navigation Toolbar) What is liposuction? Alternatives to liposuction What are the risks or complications? What can I expect? Glossary Reporting Problems Other resources Liposuction Info Home

When is Liposuction not for me?

You are probably NOT a good candidate for liposuction surgery if:

What are the Alternatives to Liposuction?

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Liposuction is usually cosmetic surgery so is not considered medically necessary (there are rare exceptions to this). Because of this, it is you who will decide whether or not you will undergo this procedure. You may decide that liposuction is not right for you. You may make this decision without consulting a physician or after consulting with a physician. A consultation with a physician does not obligate you to have liposuction if you decide that you do not want to.

Some of the alternatives to liposuction are:

Food Guide Pyramid - Relative servings per day for each food group. Fat, Oils & Sweets: Use Sparingly. Milk, Yogurt & Cheese Group: 2 to 3 Servings. Meats, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs & Nuts Group: 2 to 3 servings. Vegetable group: 3 to 5 servings.  Fruit Group: 2 to 4 servings. Bread, Cereal, Rice, & Pasta Group: 6 to 11 servings.

Updated August 1, 2002

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