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NIDA Home > Publications > Director's Reports > May, 2006 Index    

Director's Report to the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse - May, 2006


NIDA Publications

Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse - Community Epidemiology Work Group - Advance Report - January 2006
NIH Pub. No.: 06-5878

The report provides descriptive information on the most recent significant trends, emerging problems and populations at risk.

Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse - Community Epidemiology Work Group - Executive Summary - January 2006
NIH Pub. No.: 06-5879

This report provides an ongoing assessment of drug abuse in major metropolitan areas of the United States with the purpose of keeping both public and private sector policymakers and researchers informed with current and accurate data.

Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse - Community Epidemiology Work Group - Meeting Proceedings - January 2006
NIH Pub. No.: 06-5880

This report provides an in-depth analysis of the epidemiologic trends and special reports for a limited audience made up primarily of drug abuse researchers who utilize this volume to identify potential areas for further research.

National Survey Results on Drug Use - Overview of Key Findings 2005
NIH Pub. No.: 06-5882

This publication provides a concise review of the findings of the Monitoring the Future Study and comparison of data from previous years.

Problems of Drug Dependence 2005: Proceedings from the 67th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence
NIH Pub. No.: 06-6014

This publication is more than just a "proceedings" from a meeting—it is valued as one of the only research tools and references for scientists and other professionals in the drug abuse field. It is the most comprehensive gathering of scientific information on all aspects of substance abuse and is invaluable to researchers and other scientists.

Principles of Drug Abuse Treatment for Criminal Justice Populations: A Research-Based Guide
NIH Pub. No.: 06-5316

Designed as a complement to NIDA's Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide, this booklet provides treatment principles and research findings that are of particular relevance to the criminal justice community and to treatment professionals working with drug abusing offenders.

Research Report Series: Methamphetamine Abuse and Addiction - Revised
NIH Pub. No.: 06-4210

Includes a description of the potent psychostimulant methamphetamine, details of the drug's effects, and the scope of methamphetamine abuse in the United States. Explains how the drug is used and how it differs from other stimulants. Describes medical complications of methamphetamine abuse and current effective treatments.

Research Report Series: Anabolic Steroids Abuse - Revised
NIH Pub. No.:06-3721

Provides an authoritative, unbiased overview of anabolic steroid use and effects. Brings together the most recent findings from drug research surveys on drug abuse by youth.

Research Report Series: Nicotine Addiction - Revised
NIH Pub. No.: 06-4342

Describes what nicotine is, presents current epidemiological research data regarding its use, and reports on the medical consequences of nicotine use. Emphasizes the effects on the brain as well as current research findings about use during pregnancy. Includes treatment approaches.

NIDA Notes

NIDA Notes Volume 20 Issue No. 4
NIH Pub. No. 06-3478

The lead story discusses research on the factors involved in the rise of prescription drug abuse by college students, looking at characteristics of universities, student populations, and acquisition of prescription medicines. The Director's Column addresses the benefits of human genome mapping to addiction research and the establishment of a NIDA partnership to assist in searching for gene variations that may affect vulnerability to nicotine addiction. Other research findings include the effectiveness of culturally tailored versions of CBT in helping methamphetamine addicts maintain abstinence, reduce risky sexual practices, and minimize depression; the use of nortriptylene therapy and counseling for smoking cessation; and the new "NIDA at Work" feature, which focuses on NIDA's AIDS Research Program.

NIDA Notes Volume 20 Issue No. 5
NIH Pub. No. 06-3478

This is the first issue following a comprehensive redesign of NIDA Notes, now featuring a four-color layout and new features. The lead story discusses research on brain activity patterns in methamphetamine abusers who relapse after treatment. The Director's Perspective looks at the NIDA-funded Criminal Justice-Drug Abuse Treatment Studies (CJ-DATS) project, established in 2002 to look at optimal initiatives and interventions for incarcerated or recently released individuals. Other research reports discuss how methamphetamine abusers benefit from standard community-based drug abuse treatment; the use of Bupropion in treating smokers with schizophrenia; the links between cocaine abuse and HIV infection with coronary calcification; the club drug GHB's action on GABA receptors in the brain; and addiction treatment at pivotal points in prisoners' community reentry. The Tearoff feature discusses data from the 2005 MTF Survey. New features include "Research in Brief," highlights of recently published, NIDA-funded studies; and "What the Numbers Say," a graphic data snapshot of marijuana abuse and perceived risk. Issue 20-5 also features the first of the new "Reference Article" series, a four-page feature on animal models and their translation into human addiction research.

NIDA International Program E-News Letter

The NIDA International Program issues an E-News Letter every other month to inform the international drug abuse research community about recent events, funding opportunities, NIDA's the research training and exchange programs for international scientists, and forthcoming meetings.

  • February 2006 - This issue reported on the Institute of Medicine review of strategies to prevent and treat HIV in countries where drug use is the primary driver of the HIV/AIDS epidemic; the NIH Pathway to Independence Award Program; and the selection of Dr. Paolo Telles, Brazil, as a NIDA INVEST Fellow.
  • April 2006 - This issue reported on the NIDA Latin American Initiative, the NIDA International Program supplement to Drug and Alcohol Dependence; NIDA-supported research published by former INVEST Fellow Lan Zhang, China, and former Distinguished International Scientist Richard Isralowitz, Israel; and the selection of the 2006-2007 NIDA Humphrey Drug Abuse Research Fellows and the 2006 WHO/NIDA/CPDD International Traveling Fellows.

CTN-Related Publications

Seven editions of the CTN Bulletin Board were distributed. The Bulletin Board is an electronic report on the progress of the protocols, committees, and node activity in the CTN.

A patient recruitment brochure was translated to Spanish and printed and distributed for Protocol CTN 0014 - Brief Strategic Family Therapy.

A patient recruitment brochure was printed and distributed for Protocol CTN 0029 - Smoking Cessation Study for Smokers with ADHD.

A pamphlet listing General Interviewing Guidelines for CTN clinical staff was approved for distribution throughout the Network.

Other Publications

Two Proceedings volumes have resulted from the NIDA workshop at the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting held in November 2004 in Baltimore, MD. Dr. Rao S. Rapaka served as the Guest Editor for both of these volumes. The two volumes were published as Special Proceedings Volumes by Life Sciences (December 2005 and March 2006). Natureceuticals (Natural Products), Nutraceuticals, Herbal Botanicals And Psychoactives: Drug-Discovery And Drug-Drug Interactions.
Volume-1: Natureceuticals (Natural Products), Herbal Botanicals, Psychoactive Hallucinogens and Related Products
Volume-2: Nutraceuticals, Herbals And Related Products

Compton, W.M. and Volkow, N.D. Major Increases in Opioid Analgesic Abuse: Concerns and Strategies. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 81(2), pp. 103-107, 2006.

Conway, K.P., Compton, W.M., Stinson, F.S. and Grant, B.F. Lifetime Comorbidity of DSM-IV Mood and Anxiety Disorders and Specific Drug Use Disorders: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 67(2) pp. 247-257, 2006.

Colliver, J.D., Compton, W.M., Gfroerer, J.C. and Condon, T. Projecting Drug Use Among Aging Baby Boomers in 2020. Annals of Epidemiology, 16(4) pp. 257-265, 2006.

Miller, W.R., Baca, C., Compton, W.M., Ernst, D., Manuel, J.K., Pringle, B., Schermer, C.R., Weiss, R.D., Willenbring, M.L. and Zweben, A. Addressing Substance Abuse in Health Care Settings. Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, 30(2) pp. 292-302, 2006.

Rutter, J.L. Symbiotic Relationship of Pharmacogenetics and Drugs of Abuse. AAPS Journal. 8(1): Article 21, 2006.

Montoya, I.D. Treatment Compliance in Patients With Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Substance Abuse. Psychiatric Times. 25, pp. 35-38, 2006.

Herbeck, D.M., Fitek, D.J., Svikis, D.S., Montoya, I.D., Marcus, S.C. and West, J.C. Treatment Compliance in Patients with Comorbid Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders. Am.J.Addict., 14, pp. 195-207, 2005.

Velez, M.L., Montoya, I.D., Jansson, L.M., Walters, V., Svikis, D., Jones, H.E. et al. Exposure to Violence Among Substance-dependent Pregnant Women and their Children. J. Subst. Abuse Treat, 30, pp. 31-38, 2006.


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