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Export Requirements for Japan (Processed Egg Products)
EJA-63 (Sep 5, 2008)

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Eligible/Ineligible Egg Products
  1. Eligible Products
    1. Egg products (except as restricted in the INELIGIBLE section below)
  2. Ineligible Products

    Connecticut:  Eggs laid on or after November 10, 2006 are eligible. Eggs laid prior to that date are ineligible.

    New York:  Eggs laid on or after February 22, 2008 and on or before April 10, 2008 are eligible. Eggs laid prior to February 22, 2008 and after April 10, 2008 are ineligible.

    Pennsylvania:  Eggs laid on or after November 10, 2006 are eligible. Eggs laid prior to that date are ineligible.

    West Virginia - Eggs laid prior to March 9, 2007 or after August 2, 2007 are eligible. Eggs laid on or after March 9 and before August 2, 2007 are ineligible.

    Minnesota: Eggs laid prior to March 28, 2007 or on or after September 14, 2007are eligible. Eggs laid on or after March 28, 2007 and before September 14, 2007 are ineligible.

    South Dakota: Eggs laid prior to May 24, 2007 or from October 12, 2007 to October 17, 2007 or after March 21, 2008 are eligible. Eggs laid on May 24 2007 to October 11, 2007, or after October 18, 2007 and prior to March 21, 2008 are ineligible.

    Nebraska: Eggs laid prior to May 23, 2007 or on or after November 30, 2007 are eligible.  Eggs laid on or after May 23, 2007 and before November 30, 2007 are ineligible.

    Virginia: Eggs laid prior to June 15, 2007 and after November 2, 2007 are ineligible.  Eggs laid on June 15, 2007 and before November 2, 2007 are eligible.

    New Jersey: Eggs laid on or prior to January 15, 2008 are eligible. Eggs laid after January 15, 2008 are ineligible.

    Arkansas: Eggs laid prior to May 9, 2008 are eligible. Eggs laid on or after May 9, 2008 are ineligible.

    New Hampshire - Eggs laid prior to July 8, 2008 are eligible. Eggs laid on or after July 8, 2008 are ineligible.

    Idaho - Eggs from the State of Idaho are ineligible.*

    See new certification statements.

    The following FSIS Letterhead Certificates are available:

    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid prior to November 10, 2006.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after November 10, 2006, but prior to March 9, 2007.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after March 9, 2007, but prior to March 29, 2007.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after March 29, 2007, but prior to May 23, 2007.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after May 23, 2007, but prior to May 24, 2007.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after May 24, 2007, but prior to June 15, 2007.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after June 15, 2007, but prior to August 2, 2007.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after August 2, 2007, but prior to September 14, 2007.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after September 14, 2007.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after October 12, 2007, but prior to October 18, 2007.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after October 18, 2007, but prior to November 2, 2007.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after November 2, 2007 and before November 30, 2007.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after November 30, 2007.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after January 15, 2008.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after February 22, 2008 and before March 21, 2008.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after March 21, 2008 and before April 10, 2008.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after April 10, 2008 and before May 9, 2008.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after May 9, 2008 and before July 8, 2008.
    FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Egg Products Derived from Eggs Laid on or after July 8, 2008.

    Note: These restrictions may not apply to dried egg products. Exporters are advised to work closely with importers to determine if product is eligible based on the type of processing applied to the product.

Documentation Requirements
  1. See required certification for all countries found in the Export Requirements for Egg Products document found elsewhere in the Export Library.
  2. Shell eggs may be restricted from originating or passing through certain states in which low path avian influenza has been reported. Applicants for export certification must determine which certification statement or statements apply to the product to be exported. The statement(s) must be typed on FSIS Form PY200 or provided on a FSIS Letterhead Certificate(s):
    1. Egg products derived from eggs laid prior to November 10, 2006 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, Connecticut, New York, or Pennsylvania and did not pass through Idaho, Connecticut, New York, or Pennsylvania before being carried into egg processing plants."
    2. Egg Products derived from eggs laid on or after November 10, 2006, but prior to March 9, 2007 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho or New York and did not pass through Idaho or New York before being carried into egg processing plants."
    3. Egg products derived from eggs laid on or after March 9, 2007, but prior to March 29, 2007 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, New York or West Virginia and did not pass through Idaho, New York or West Virginia before being carried into egg processing plants."
    4. Egg products derived from eggs laid on or after March 29, 2007, but prior to May 23, 2007 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, New York, West Virginia, or Minnesota and did not pass through Idaho, New York, West Virginia, or Minnesota before being carried into egg processing plants."
    5. Egg products derived from eggs laid on or after May 23, 2007, but prior to May 24, 2007 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, New York, West Virginia, Minnesota, or Nebraska and did not pass through Idaho, New York, West Virginia, Minnesota, or Nebraska before being carried into egg processing plants."
    6. Egg products derived from eggs laid on or after May 24, 2007, but prior to June 15, 2007 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, New York, West Virginia, Minnesota, Nebraska, or South Dakota and did not pass through Idaho, New York, West Virginia, Minnesota, Nebraska, or South Dakota before being carried into egg processing plants."
    7. Egg products derived from eggs laid on or after June 15, 2007, but prior to August 2, 2007 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, New York, West Virginia, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, or Virginia and did not pass through Idaho, New York, West Virginia, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, or Virginia before being carried into egg processing plants."
    8. Egg products derived from eggs laid on or after August 2, 2007 but prior to September 14, 2007 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, New York, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, or Virginia and did not pass through Idaho, New York, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, or Virginia before being carried into egg processing plants."
    9. Egg products derived from eggs laid on or after September 14, 2007, but prior to October 12, 2007 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, New York, Nebraska, South Dakota, or Virginia and did not pass through Idaho, New York, Nebraska, South Dakota, or Virginia before being carried into egg processing plants."
    10. Egg products derived from eggs laid on or after October 12, 2007, but prior to October 18, 20087 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, New York, Nebraska, or Virginia and did not pass through Idaho, New York, Nebraska, or Virginia before being carried into egg processing plants."
    11. Egg products derived from eggs laid on or after October 18, 2007, but prior to November 2, 2007 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, New York, Nebraska, South Dakota, or Virginia and did not pass through Idaho, New York, Nebraska, South Dakota, or Virginia before being carried into egg processing plants."
    12. Egg products derived from eggs laid on or after November 2, 2007 and before November 30, 2007 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, New York, Nebraska, or South Dakota and did not pass through Idaho, New York, Nebraska, or South Dakota before being carried into egg processing plants."
    13. Egg products derived from eggs laid on or after November 30, 2007 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, New York or South Dakota and did not pass through Idaho, New York or South Dakota before being carried into egg processing plants."
    14. Egg products derived from eggs laid on or after January 15, 2008 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, New York, South Dakota, or New Jersey and did not pass through Idaho, New York, South Dakota, or New Jersey before being carried into egg processing plants."
    15. Egg products derived from eggs laid on or after February 22, 2008 and before March 21, 2008 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, South Dakota or New Jersey and did not pass through Idaho, South Dakota or New Jersey before being carried into egg processing plants."
    16. Egg products derived from eggs laid on or after March 21, 2008 and before April 10, 2008 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, New Jersey and did not pass through Idaho, New Jersey before being carried into egg processing plants."
    17. Egg products derived from eggs laid on or after April 10, 2008 and before May 9, 2008 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, New York or New Jersey and did not pass through Idaho, New York or New Jersey before being carried into egg processing plants."
    18. Egg products derived from eggs laid on or after May 9, 2008 and before July 8, 2008 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, Arkansas, New York or New Jersey and did not pass through Idaho, Arkansas, New York or New Jersey before being carried into egg processing plants."
    19. Egg products derived from eggs laid on or after July 8, 2008 FSIS Letterhead Certificate:*
      1. "The shell eggs used for the production of the exported egg products did not originate from Idaho, Arkansas, New York, New Jersey, or New Hampshire and did not pass through Idaho, Arkansas, New York, New Jersey, or New Hapshire before being carried into egg processing plants."
  3. Additional certification is required that trucks and railcars either did not transit any restricted states or were sealed by USDA during transit of any restricted state.
    • If the product will not transit restricted states during the period of restriction or transited before or after the period of restriction, Statement 1. may be completed and signed at the plant where the export originates.
    • If the product must be sealed for transport through restricted states, the FSIS program employee breaking the seal prior to loading Japan-bound ocean containers, verifies that the seal was intact, then completes statement 2 and signs the certificate.

    The Statements below are provided on an FSIS Letterhead Certificate:
    1. "To the best of FSIS' knowledge, the exported egg products did not transit ____________________________
      during the period of restriction before leaving the United States."
    2. "The container was sealed by FSIS prior to transiting _________________________
      with USDA seal number____________.
      If seal number ____________ was removed by FSIS, the exported egg products did not transit restricted states after the removal in ____________."

    See Guideline for completion of this certificate.

    Procedure for determining states to include in the statement above:
    1. Determine the earliest date of laying for eggs in the consignment.
    2. Determine that the product did not transit unsealed any state that is currently restricted.  The restriction periods are listed below:

      Connecticut (CT) - Before November 10, 2006
      Pennsylvania (PA) - Before November 10, 2006
      New York (NY) - Before February 22, 2008 and on or after April 10, 2008.
      West Virginia (WV) - March 9, 2007 to August 2, 2007
      Minnesota (MN)- March 29, 2007 to September 13, 2007.
      South Dakota (SD) - May 24, 2007 to October 11, 2007, and October 18, 2007 to March 21, 2008.
      Nebraska (NE) - May 23, 2007 to November 30, 2007.
      Virginia (VA) - June 15, 2007 to November 2, 2007.
      New Jersey (NJ) - After January 15, 2008 to present.
      Arkansas (AR) - On or after May 9, 2008.
      New Hampshire (NH) - On or after July 8, 2008.
      Idaho - All eggs regardless of production date.*

    EJA-63 (Sep 5, 2008)



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