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Results 1 - 2 of about 2 records found

Product CodeTitle/Abstract
Reading Lao - A Programmed Introduction (Audiocassettes and textbook).

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Laotian is basically monosyllabic and tonal, but there has been extensive borrowing from Sanskrit and Pali at different periods in history. Almost all polysyllabic words relating to government, the court, Buddhism, science, and philosophy are of Sanskrit ...
Year: 1996
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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Reading Lao - A Programmed Introduction (Audiocassettes).

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Laotian is basically monosyllabic and tonal, but there has been extensive borrowing from Sanskrit and Pali at different periods in history. Almost all polysyllabic words relating to government, the court, Buddhism, science, and philosophy are of Sanskrit ...
Year: 1976
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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