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Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

National Compact Stellarator Modular Field Coil Winding Form
NCSX Modular Coil Winding Form
Fabrication of the NCSX Modular Field Coil
Fabrication of the NCSX Modular Coil

The National Compact Stellarator Experiment's 18 modular coils are among the most complex, innovative electromagnets ever designed. Six sets, each comprised of three coil types, are being fabricated. The 18 winding forms consist of nonmagnetic stainless steel castings with winding surfaces machined to a tolerance of ± 0.010 inch. The largest winding form is 110 inches tall. Each form weighs approximately 6,000 pounds. The winding forms will provide the backbone of the modular coils system and will be strong enough to support electromagnetic loads in the range of 7,000 lbs per inch.

Fabrication of the NCSX modular coils is underway in the former TFTR Test Cell. The conductor is fabricated using a flexible copper cable with approximately 3420 strands of bare 0.0063–inch diameter wire compacted into a rectangular shape 0.35 x 0.391 inch. The rectangular conductor is insulated with two half-lapped layers of 0.004–in glass cloth. Conductors are wound onto the forms in rectangular packs, four layers wide and either ten or eleven layers in height depending on the coil type. The winding tolerance for the current center of the conductors is ± 0.020 inch as installed on the winding form. Each winding form uses approximately 200 feet of conductor.

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Updated: 5 September, 2006
Send questions or comments to: Anthony R. DeMeo at