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Each of you has a story, and we invite you to share it with AAM's new Museums Made Here initiative. Tell us about your experiences and how they have affected your visitors and community.

Over the next year we will highlight these stories in Museum, Aviso and other publications and on AAM's website so you can try them out in your communities. And they will help us help all museums as we share them with legislators in Washington and in states and communities across the country.

Read a few of the stories from your colleagues!

As you write your story, here are some questions to keep in mind:

  • What was the issue, goal or problem that sparked your effort?
  • What was your plan to address the situation?
  • What was special or different about the process?
  • Who were the stakeholders involved? Who led the effort? Who was your target group to influence?
  • Did you achieve your planned outcome or was the outcome different (but maybe better?) than what was intended?
  • What did you learn from experience? What would you do different?
  • Would this work elsewhere?

Please e-mail any related published articles to

Museums Made Here, AAM's story collection

To participate in this program, please complete the form below. Your contact information will be kept confidential. Visitors to the website will only see the general information about your museum.

Please fill out the following information.

Museum Information
* Museum Type
Museum Address

I have read and agree to the terms of the Museums Made Here release
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