Brookhaven National Laboratory Natural Resource Management Plan

Brookhaven National Laboratory has developed a comprehensive Natural Resource Management Plan (NRMP) that replaces the Wildlife Management Plan (WMP). The NRMP builds on the solid foundation established by the WMP and addresses virtually all known issues concerning natural resources on site at the Laboratory. The NRMP also establishes “adaptive management” as the method for continual improvement within the Natural Resources program. The development of the NRMP utilized the assistance of a Technical Advisory Group consisting of individuals from local land management agencies, technical experts, Lab employee representatives, and representatives of the general public. This group continues to meet periodically  to advise the natural resource manager, evaluate success, and recommend changes to the program. Annual reports required under the NRMP provide information on the implementation and progress made under the plan. Minor updates to the plan are incorporated, as necessary, in the annual reports. A full evaluation of the plan and re-write is scheduled every five years. The next full evaluation of the NRMP is scheduled to begin in January 2009.Place all text and images inside this space.

Reference: BNL 2003. Natural Resource Management Plan for Brookhaven National Laboratory.  BNL-71870-2003.

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Last Modified: February 1, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Mary Daum