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Soil Survey Laboratory Methods Manual
Soil Survey Laboratory Investigations Report No. 42

The methods described in this manual are those used by the laboratory at the National Soil Survey Center (NSSC).  They are documented by method codes and linked with analytical results that are stored in the NSSC laboratory database.

Soil Survey Laboratory Information Manual
Soil Survey Laboratory Investigations Report No. 45

The Soil Survey Laboratory (SSL), National Soil Survey Center (NSSC) is responsible for providing accurate and reliable soil characterization data for the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) Program. The SSL data are provided in reports, e.g., Primary and Supplementary Characterization Data Sheets and in various electronic forms, including tapes, disks, and CD-ROMs. These reports are the end product of the analytical system and are a means to transmit information to the users of these data. It follows that these data reports must be complete, accurate, and understandable. In addition, these reports provide historical documentation for future reference.

Pedon characterization data, or any soil survey data, are more appropriately used when the operations for collection, analysis, and reporting these data are thoroughly understood. The purpose of this document is to describe the SSL characterization data reports to maximize user understanding of these data. This document is not intended as an interpretive guide for soil characterization data.