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Atlantic Salmon


Brook Trout

Brown Trout



Chinook Salmon

Coho Salmon

Freshwater Drum

Lake Herring

Lake Sturgeon

Lake Trout

Lake Whitefish

Longnose Sucker


Northern Pike

Pink Salmon

Rainbow Smelt

Rainbow Trout

Round Goby

Round Whitefish


Sea Lamprey

Smallmouth Bass


White Perch

White Sucker

Yellow Perch


Lake Trout

Lake Trout
Salvelinus namaycush

Identification tips for trouts and salmons

  • Length:17 to 27 inches
  • Weight:3 to 9 pounds
  • Coloring:light spots on darker background, light underside
  • Common Names: Great Lakes trout, laker, namaycush,togue, grey trout, mountain trout
  • Found in Lakes:Michigan, Huron, Ontario, Erie and Superior
These swift, torpedo-shaped fish inhabit the cold waters of an area extending from Wisconsin and Upper Michigan to the northernmost reaches of the North American continent. For more than half a century, lake trout were the most valuable commercial fish in the Upper Great Lakes. Then overfishing and the onslaught of the sea lamprey from the late 1930s and into the 1950s effectively eliminated this fish from Lake Michigan.

DNR_LakeTrout.gif (18013 bytes)Thanks to sea lamprey control and continuous stocking, lake trout now live seven or more years in the lake, thriving on a diet of chubs and sculpins (their traditional prey), smelt and alewives. As a result, the return of this preeminent native, along with the introduction of Pacific salmon, has created a thriving world-class sport fishery in Lake Michigan. Biologists hope that ongoing research and plantings of these fish on historic spawning reefs will yet restore reproducing stocks of lake trout in Lake Michigan and enhance the few surviving stocks in Lake Superior.

Lake trout are long-lived and do not reach sexual maturity until 6-8 years of age. While the average lake trout in Lake Michigan today weighs around seven pounds, some of the larger trophy fish are three feet long and weigh as much as 25 pounds.

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copyright  University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institutegull_logosmall.gif (2053 bytes)
Brook Trout illustration copyright 1998
Gina Mikel

Lake trout  photograph (c) Shedd Aquarium (e-mail)

Drawing from Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Last updated 05 February 2002 by Seaman