Good Governance

An effective government needs the support of its citizens, and Congressman Blumenauer has fought in the House for legislation that would increase the transparency and efficiency of government, and increase public confidence.

Ethics Reform

In 2007, he introduced H.R. 1136 , "The Ethics Reform Act of 2007," which would create for the first time an independent ethics commission with jurisdiction over the House of Representatives.

Campaign Finance Reform

Congressman Blumenauer has supported the Underground Campaign Disclosure Act, which requires independent political organizations to meet Federal Election Commission disclosure and reporting requirements, including information about their donors. He has also advocated for the passage of the Clean Money, Clean Elections Act, to create public financing and free and reduced-rate broadcast time for candidates who forgo essentially all private contributions. Finally, he cosponsored the Campaign Telemarketers Disclosure Act, which would require disclosing the identification of anyone making campaign-related telephone calls.