Table 2-2. BNL Pollution Prevention, Waste Reduction, and Recycling Programs.          
Aerosol can disposal system Recycling 528 Hazardous waste $12,000 $0 $12,000 Empty aerosol cans can now are recycled as scrap, rather then sent to the Waste Management Division as hazardous waste. Eight units (F&O=5; CA=1; NSLS=1; BES =1) each handle 66 lbs of hazardous waste.
Portable closed-head drum mixer Neutralization 1,600 Hazardous waste $0 $1,450 -$1,450 The National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) bought a closed drum mixer to neutralize Rydlyme, used to descale cooling pipes. 
Relocation of hazardous storage sheds Reuse 3,200 Industrial waste $0 $500 $26,500 Recycled two hazardous storage material sheds for reuse in Plant Engineering. Relocation cost $550, but avoided the purchase of new sheds.
Formaldetox Source reduction 8 Non-hazardous waste (neutralized approximately 1 gallon)  $25 $0 $25 Neutralizes nonhazardous para-formaldehyde, chlorix, bleach, and rat blood.
HPLC solvent recycler Reuse 110 Hazardous waste $2,500 $0 $6,755 Allows reuse of approximately 50 liters of solvent and saves  approximately 50 labor hours.
Propane cylinder de-valver Recycling 50 Hazardous waste $3,750 $0 $3,750 The Collider Accelerator Division (CA-D) bought a propane cylinder de-valver to avoid sending cylinders to a disposal vendor at $75 each; instead they are now recycled as scrap.
Fluorescently labeled oligonucleotides Waste minimization 3,144 Radiological waste (396 ft3); Mixed waste (35 gallons); Hazardous Waste (108 gallons) $67,600 $0 $67,600 This project was cost-shared with Biology. The process avoids the use of radioactivity, thus avoiding radiological waste generation.
Electronic recycling Recycling 140,600 E-waste N/A $2,300 N/A BNL e-waste was formerly collected by a scrap metal dealer, but the recycling process was questionable. The Laboraoty has now partnered with a government-based e-waste recycler and now pays shipping fees only.
Building demolition recycling Recycling 12,350,000 Industrial waste $561,925 $32,000 $529,925 On-site demolition products (steel and concrete) are segregated, recycled, and reused.
System One parts cleaner Substitution 640 Hazardous waste $10,000 $0 $10,000 Plant Engineering bought a System One parts washer to re-distill dirty solvent, eliminating the need for a vendor such as Safety Kleen. Removed grit and sludge are mixed with the waste oil. 
Photon-counting spectrofluorimeter Substitution 54 Mixed waste (2 ft3) $0 $0 $50,000 Eliminated the need for radioactive assays and thus their radioactive waste. Savings include 1,000 work-hours plus savings on material costs.
Replacement of mercury utility devices Substitution 40 Mercury $2,350 $4,000 $2,350 Approximately 36 lb of mercury-containing devices were removed from utility devices during 2007. Savings are based on the cost of one mercury spill and cleanup.
Animal bedding conveying system Composing    Low-level Radiological Waste (76 yds3) $0 $0 $0 Animal bedding material is no longer sent to sanitary landfill. It is now conveyed to a dumpster that is emptied or composted at the stump dump.
Plant Engineering grounds vehicle wash system * Waste minimization 8,000 Oils/grease to soils $16,000 $3,000 $13,000 This multi-year, multi-department project was completed in 2007 and eliminates the potential of oil and grease being released to soil.
Organic solvents Substitution 678 Hazardous waste $0 $0 $26,000 Life Sciences bought a Microwave Peptide Synthesizer in 2004 to significantly reduce the hazardous wastes generated. Saves ~1,000 work-hours/year (reflected in cost savings).
Organic solvents Purification/reuse 44 Hazardous waste $0 $0 $3,400 The primary savings of the BES solvent purification system are in not purchasing new solvent and labor savings from not running the stills.
Cooling water Reuse 63,400 Deionized water $0 $0 $7,925 A closed-cycle water recycling system for the Building 480 melt spinner saved 7,925 gallons of ultra-pure water and extends the life expectancy of equipment worth $100,000.
Mercury utility devices Substitution 37 Mercury $2,300 $0 $2,300 Plant Engineering replaced mercury-containing utility devices with mercury-free equipment in 2007. Savings are based on the cost of one mercury spill and cleanup.
Radioactive emissions Emission reduction 0 Radioactive emissions $0 $0 $0 A shroud was installed over the 16-inch diameter shaft in the Hot Cell of the Brookhaven Linac Isotope Producer (BLIP), isolating cooling water from the rapidly moving air of the exhaust system and allowing radiological decay within the water system. Slowing the diffusion into the hot cell air will effectively reduce gaseous emissions into the exhaust stack, as these radionuclides have very short half lives. The shroud/enclosure has been instrumental in reducing short-lived radioactive gaseous emissions. Beyond the environmental benefits associated with the project and due to the efficiency of the enclosure in reducing emissions, the facility has been able to stay below the emissions level that would require additional regulatory burdens.
Radioactive waste generated through wet chemistry Waste minimization 30 Mixed waste/Liquid radioactive waste $17,600 $0 $22,500 The use of a Kinetic Phosphorescence Analyzer (KPA) system for uranium analysis eliminated mixed waste generation in a chemistry lab, reduced 90 percent of the volume of liquid waste, reduced 90 percent of radioactive material handled, minimized exposure to uranium by laboratory personnel, and decreased labor costs by 75 percent.
Radioactive waste from labeled chemicals Waste minimization/ volume reduction 0 Solid radioactive waste $2,168 $0 $2,168 A vial crusher for glass vials, pipettes, and other glassware reduces the volume of rad waste.
Radioactive and mixed wastes from radio-labeled chemicals Waste minimization 112 Mixed waste $27,690 $0 $27,690 Use of a microplate scintillation counter generates less mixed waste.
Electrophoretic Mini-Gels Microscale chemical use 2,200 Hazardous waste - lab pack $6,000 $0 $6,000 Minimizing silver waste from silver-staining electrophoretic mini-gels saves waste disposal costs and lowers material purchase costs ($6,000).
Sewage sludge Volume reduction 18,450 Radioactive waste $1,249,500 $47,738 $1,201,762 Disposal of 110,000 gallons of radioactive Sewage Treatment Plant liquid waste by a contractor would cost $1,249,500. Instead, waste from the anaerobic sludge digester was dried on the drying tables (96 percent reduction), mixed with absorbent and lime, and shipped in (21) 55-gallon drums to a disposal facility.
Film and other radioisotopic imaging  Substitution 300 Hazardous waste/ Industrial waste $22,000 $0 $22,000 Replacement of film-based autoradiography and other radioisotopic imaging with a Phosphor Imager reduced  waste generation by 200 lb of hazardous waste and 100 lb of industrial waste. Additional projected savings are in annual supply costs and labor reduction.
Lead acid batteries Recycled 5,000 Universal waste $0 $0 $0 Avoids hazardous waste disposal costs for approximately 40 lb of lead per battery.
Ion exchange wastewater Source reduction 1250 Hazardous and sanitary wastewater $0 $0 $0 Prefilters, added to the deionization system, polish makeup water entering the ion exchange system. This extends the useful life of the ion exchange resins, requiring less frequent regeneration. The regeneration process generates hazardous and sanitary waste.
Short half-life waste Decay in storage 490 Radioactive waste $0 $0 $0 Short half-life isotopes, particularly iodine-125 and phosphorus-32, are often used in life sciences experiments. In 2007, wastes from these operations (21.5 ft3 and 133 lbs of liquid) were managed in accordance with BNL decay-in-storage requirements, rendering the wastes eligible for volumetric release. 
Cooling Tower chemicals Source reduction 9,563 Industrial waste $22,500 $0 $22,500 Ozone water treatment units were installed on cooling towers at SEM, the National Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL), and the RHIC Reseach Facility, for biological control of cooling water. These systems eliminate the need for water treatment chemicals (typically toxic biocides), save labor, and reduce analytical costs for monitoring cooling tower blowdown.
Blasocut machining coolant Recycled/Reused 19,456 Industrial waste $2,450 $0 $6,450 Central Shops Division operates a recycling system that reclaims Blasocut machining coolant and supplies it Laboratory-wide. In 2007, 2,432 gal (19,456 lb) of Blasocut lubricant were recycled. Recycling involves aeration, centrifuge, and filtration. This avoids cost of disposal as industrial waste plus an avoided cost of buying 5 drums of concentrate ($800/drum) and 49 empty drums for shipping ($50/drum).
Used motor oil Energy recovery 16,160 Industrial waste $2,050 $0 $2,050 Used motor oil from the motor pool and the on-site gas station is given to Strebel's Laundry Service, who use it to fire their boilers. In 2007, they collected 2,020 gal of oil at no charge to BNL, which thus avoided the costs for disposal and 41 shipping drums ($50/drum).
Office paper Recycled 354,000 Industrial waste $0 $0 $0 Cost avoidance based on $106/ton for disposal as trash.
Cardboard Recycled 242,000 Industrial waste $0 $0 $0 Cost avoidance based on $106/ton for disposal as trash.
Scrap metal Recycled 764,000 Industrial waste $57,300 $0 $57,300 Cost avoidance based on $106/ton for disposal as trash, plus $150/ton revenue.
Bottles/cans Recycled 48,800 Industrial waste $0 $0 $0 Cost avoidance based on $106/ton for disposal as trash.
Construction debris Recycled 574,000 Industrial waste $12,915 $0 $12,915 Cost avoidance based on $45/ton difference for disposal as trash
  TOTALS 14,627,944   $2,100,623 $90,988 $2,143,415  
* Cost savings of projects funded by the BNL Pollution Prevention Council will be tracked for 3 years.