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Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA)

You are reading about Level 5 of the Appeals Process.

Who to Appeal to at Level 5

If you disagree with your Medicare Appeals Council (MAC) Level 4 decision and the amount in controversy is at least $1,180 (2008), you may file a civil action in your local Federal District Court. The notice of decision from the MAC will give you information about filing a civil action. This is the last level of appeals – Level 5.

Please note that your request must be filed with the Federal District Court within 60 days of receiving the Medicare Appeals Council decision.

Please note that the Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals is responsible only for the Level 3 claims appeals and certain Medicare entitlements and IRMAA appeals. OMHA is not responsible for levels 1, 2, 4, and 5 of the appeals process. OMHA provides additional information on other levels of appeals to help you understand the appeals process in a broad context.