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NSSDC ID: 1975-083C-07
Mission Name: Viking 2 Lander
Principal Investigators: Dr. Seymour L. Hess, Prof. James E. Tillman


This experiment analyzed the meteorological environment near the planetary surface and obtained information about motion systems of various scales. The atmospheric parameters determined were pressure, temperature, wind speed, and wind direction. Diurnal and seasonal variations were of particular importance. The sampling rates and durations for any one Martian day (sol) were selectable by ground command. The sensors were mounted on an erected boom. Three hot-film anemometers, through which an electric current was passed to heat two glass needles coated with platinum and overcoated with aluminum oxide, were used to measure wind speed. The electric power needed to maintain these sensors at a fixed temperature above the surrounding air was the measure of wind speed. Atmospheric temperature was measured by three fine-wire thermocouples in parallel. A thin metal diaphragm, mounted in a vacuum-sealed case, was used to measure atmospheric pressure.

Funding Agency

  • NASA-Office of Space Science (United States)


  • Planetary Science: Atmospheres

Additional Information

Questions or comments about this experiment can be directed to: Dr. David R. Williams.



Name Role Original Affiliation E-mail
Dr. Seymour L. Hess Team Leader Florida State University  
Prof. James E. Tillman Team Leader University of Washington
Prof. Conway B. Leovy Team Member University of Washington
Mr. Robert M. Henry Team Member University of Washington  
Dr. Jack A. Ryan Team Member California State University, Fullerton  

Selected References

Chamberlain, T. E., et al., Atmospheric measurements on Mars - the Viking meteorology experiment, Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 57, No. 9, 176, Sept. 1976.

Hess, S. L., et al., Meteorological results from the surface of Mars: Viking 1 and 2, J. Geophys. Res., 82, No. 28, 4559-4574, Sept. 1977.

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