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State Social Security Administrator

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Each State, as well as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, has its own State Social Security Administrator (SSSA). This individual is a State employee who is the main resource for information about Social Security and Medicare coverage and reporting issues for State and local government employers and employees under the terms of the State's Section 218 Agreement.

Social Security Regulations 20 CFR 404.1204 provides the legal obligation for each State to designate such an official while State law specifies the State department or officer who will handle this function. If there is any change in the designated State Social Security official, the State must notify the Social Security Administration.

The State Administrator acts for the State in maintaining and administering the provisions of the Section 218 agreement. The major responsibilities of the State Administrator are:

  • Serves as a bridge between State and local public employers and the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
  • Prepares modifications to the original agreement to include additional coverage groups, correct errors in other modifications, identify political subdivisions that join a retirement system already covered under the agreement, obtain Medicare-only coverage for certain retirement system employees.
  • Maintains the Section 218 Agreement and its modifications and all intrastate agreements.
  • Sends SSA notice and evidence of legal name changes and dissolutions of covered entities.
  • Advises State's public employers on Social Security and Medicare coverage and reporting issues.

The State Administrator is the first person to call for ANY questions relating to Social Security and Medicare coverage under a Section 218 agreement, such as:

  • Does a particular public employer have a Section 218 agreement?
  • Which positions are covered?
  • Are they covered for full Social Security (Retirement, Survivors, Disability, Hospital Insurance) or Medicare-only?
  • Are any positions or services excluded (e.g., student services, part-time positions)?

The State Administrator should be able to interpret the provisions of the Section 218 agreement as well as State law, retirement system and personnel rules to determine Social Security and Medicare coverage for State and local government employees.

The names and contact information for all of the State Social Security Administrators can be found on the web site of the National Conference of State Social Security Administrators (NCSSSA)  [Disclaimer].


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