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Resources: Cancer Survival Statistics

Reports and Monographs

The SEER Cancer Statistics Review (CSR), 1975-2005 includes tables and figures showing 5-year Survival Rates (PDF) and Relative Survival Rates by Year of Diagnosis (PDF) which include rates by race, sex, age, and year of diagnosis for the major cancer sites and for all cancers combined.

SEER Survival Monograph: Cancer Survival Among Adults: US SEER Program examines cancer survival by patient and tumor characteristics for over 1.6 million adult cancers diagnosed during the period 1988-2001 within the NCI’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program.

Cancer Epidemiology in Older Adolescents and Young Adults 15 to 29 Years of Age presents detailed information about cancer incidence and outcomes in adolescents and young adults. It was developed to gather population-based incidence, mortality, and survival data specific to cancers that occur in this population, along with epidemiological data and risk factors for the development of age-specific cancers

Cancer Survival Among US Whites and Minorities (PDF) uses SEER data to describe racial and ethnic patterns of cancer-specific survival and relative risks of cancer death for all cancers combined and for cancers of the colon and rectum, lung and bronchus, prostate, and female breast for the six major US racial and ethnic groups.

SEER Statistical Publications provide other survival reports on relevant topics such as socioeconomic variations prostate cancer, racial/ethnic patterns of cancer, and childhood cancers.

Research Tools

Fast Stats is an interactive tool to access key SEER and US cancer statistics by age, sex, and race.

Cancer Query Systems: SEER Survival Statistics is a Web-based program that allows you to select pre-defined statistics by defining various parameters.

The SEER*Stat analysis software is a tool for cancer researchers that can be used to calculate survival statistics based on SEER or other cancer databases. SEER*Stat allows users to calculate 5 types of survival estimates: overall survival, survival in the absence or presence of other causes of death, survival using cause of death information, and estimated non-cancer mortality from US lifetables.

CanSurv is a statistical software to analyze population-based survival data. For grouped survival data, it can fit both the standard survival models and the mixture cure survival models and provides various graphs for model diagnosis. It can also fit parametric (cure) survival models to individually-listed data. CanSurv uses population-based survival data extracted from SEER*Stat survival sessions.


Last modified:
25 Nov 2008
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