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The following Resource Guides for professionals and public are kept regularly updated online. This is a free service of the Alternative Medicine Foundation. Please feel free to download, print, link to, and use these resources verbatim, provided you do not infringe the copyright by altering the content or attributions. You may order printed copies, individual or bulk, at a modest cost.

See details of other free and fee based services available from the Alternative Medicine Foundation.

NOTE: Recommended books can be ordered through at a discounted price - a small percentage of the cost is donated to the foundation.

teek.jpg (3467 bytes) Professionals - Introduction JW
teepsh.jpg (3095 bytes) Patients and Health Care Consumers - Introduction JW
teeysh.jpg (3294 bytes) Frequently Asked Questions MKP

General Topics

teeq.jpg (4150 bytes) General Resource Guide to Alternative and Complementary Therapies JW, MKP
teeush.jpg (2789 bytes) Choosing a Practitioner
teeqpu.jpg (4050 bytes) Making Sense of Medical Research LB
How to Assess the Credibility of Medical Information on the Web JW


teek.jpg (3409 bytes) Acupuncture Resource Guide HB, JR
teeysh.jpg (3294 bytes) Ayurveda Resource Guide JMD, VS, MKP
teeush.jpg (2948 bytes) Energy Work Resource Guide EL, JMD, JW
teeysh.jpg (3294 bytes) Herbal Medicine Resource Guide RD, MT
teeq.jpg (4150 bytes) Homeopathy Resource Guide EL, JW
teek.jpg (3467 bytes) Manual Therapies Resource Guide JMD, JW
teepsh.jpg (3095 bytes) Mind/Body Medicine Resource Guide JMD, VS, JW
teeysh.jpg (3294 bytes) Molecules of Emotion Resource Guide JW
teepsh.jpg (3095 bytes) Naturopathy Resource Guide KF
teek.jpg (3467 bytes) Nutrition updates from Arbor Clinical Nutrition Updates
teeq.jpg (4150 bytes) Tibetan Medicine Resource Guide RL
teeush.jpg (2789 bytes) Traditional Chinese Medicine Resource Guide EL, JMD, JW

Health Issues

teeq.jpg (4150 bytes) Aging Well   Resource Guide JMD, MKP
teeush.jpg (2789 bytes) Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Resource Guide MKP
teepsh.jpg (3095 bytes) Autism Spectrum Disorders Resource Guide MKP
teeqpu.jpg (4050 bytes) Auto-Immune Diseases Resource Guide JMD, MP
teeysh.jpg (3294 bytes) Cancer Resource Guide LR, JMD
teek.jpg (3467 bytes) Cardiovascular Disease Resource Guide VS, JMD,
teeysh.jpg (3294 bytes) Diabetes Resource Guide LR
teeqpu.jpg (4050 bytes) Diet and Nutrition Resource Guide KF
teeush.jpg (2789 bytes) Managing Pain Resource Guide JMD
teepsh.jpg (3095 bytes) Women's Health Resource Guide JMD, JW


In addition to foundation staff, we use expert consultants and our advisory boards for authorship and review of resource guides.

HB Hannah Bradford, M.Ac, MBA
LB J Ladd Bauer, MD
JMD Joanna Macapinlac Delaney, DO, MS
KD Kim Furtado, ND
EL Elisabeth Liptak, MA
RL Raymond Landgraaf, MD
MKP Maura K Parrott, MA
MP Margaret Pearson, MPH
JR Jennifer Rabenhorst, MD
LR Leonard Rosenbaum
VS Vivek Shah, MS
MT Michael C Tims, Ph.D
JW Jackie Wootton, MEd

The Resource Guide information links are kept regularly updated by Maura Parrott, MA

The information provided in these Resource Guides is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient or site visitor and their health care provider.


If you find these resources helpful, please consider sending a donation to the Alternative Medicine Foundation to contribute to the cost of research and preparation.  If you would like to sponsor any of our programs, please contact the President.

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Page last updated April 21, 2009
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All rights reserved.