US Climate Change Science Program 
Updated 11 October, 2003

US Climate Change
Science Program:
Planning Workshop for
Scientists and Stakeholders
3-5 December 2002, Washington, DC



Agenda also available as
PDF file

Some  Workshop Presentations now are available.







Tuesday, December 3, 2002
9:30 a.m. - 5:45 p.m.

9:30 -- 10:45 Plenary Session: Climate Science in Support of Policy and Resource Management Decision Making


Plenary Session: Program Overview
2:00-4:00 Breakout Group 1: Climate Change Science Program Elements
4:30-5:45 Plenary Session: Keynote Address and Report on Group 1 Breakout Discussions

Wednesday, December 4, 2002
8:30 a.m. - 5:45 p.m.

8:30-10:30  Breakout Group 2: Climate Change Science Program Elements


Plenary session: Keynote Addresses and Breakout Reports
2:00-4:00 Breakout Group 3: Climate Change Science Program Elements
4:30-5:45  Plenary Session: Keynote Address and Report on Group 3 Breakout Discussions

Thursday, December 5, 2002
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 

8:30-10:30 Breakout Group 4: Cross-cutting Issues
11:00-12:45 Plenary session: Keynote Addresses and Group 4 Breakout Reports
2:00 -- 4:00 Closing Plenary Session: Feedback, Summary, and Future Plans

Details on Structure of the Workshop


December 3, 2002
9:30 a.m. - 5:45 p.m.

9:30 -- 10:45 
Plenary Session: 
Climate Science in Support of Policy and Resource Management Decision Making
Salon 2
: A video file of this session is available via C-Span's Science / Technology Archives.

9:30 -- 9:40 Introduction to Workshop

9:40 -- 9:55 Welcome Address

9:55 -- 10:10 Invited Keynote Address

10:10 -- 10:30 Invited Keynote Address

10:30 -- 10:45 Invited Keynote Address


Plenary Session: 
Program Overview
Salon 2

11:15 -- 11:40 Purpose and Structure of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program

11:40 -- 12:10 Overview of the Climate Change Science Program. (see also the MS Powerpoint presentation)

12:10 -- 12:30 Overview of the Climate Change Technology Program


Breakout Group 1: 
Climate Change Science Program Elements

1. Emerging Climate Science Issues
Salon 2

2. Observations and Monitoring Systems
Cotillion South

3. Atmospheric Composition

4. Carbon Cycle
Delaware A&B

5. Climate Modeling

6. Climate - Land Use/Land Cover Interactions
Virginia A&B

  • Moderator: Thomas Loveland (USGS)
  • Overview: Chris Justice (University of Maryland)
  • Rapporteurs:
    • Keya Chatterjee (NASA)
    • Catriona Rogers (EPA)
  • Panelists:
    • Ruth DeFries (University of Maryland)
    • Connie Holmes (National Mining Association)
    • Marc Steininger (Conservation International)
    • Jayant Sathaye (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)


Plenary Session: Keynote Address and Report on Group 1 Breakout Discussions
Salon 2

4:30-4:50 Keynote Address:

4:50 -- 5:45 Report on Group 1 Breakout Discussions (summary presentations by moderators)

December 4, 2002
8:30 a.m. - 5:45 p.m

Breakout Group 2: 
Climate Change Science Program Elements

7. Climate Variability and Change
Salon 3

  • Moderator: Edward Sarachik (University of Washington)
  • Overview: Jay Fein (NSF)
  • Rapporteurs:
  • Panelists:

8. Water Cycle
Virginia A&B

9. Human Contributions and Responses to Climate Change
Salon 2

10. Climate-Quality Data Management Systems

11. Scenario Development to Support National Scope Decisions

12. International Collaboration
Cotillion South

  • Moderator: Harlan Watson (Department of State)
  • Overview: Louis Brown (NSF)
  • Rapporteurs:
    • Martha Garcia (USGS)
    • Stanley Wilson (NOAA)
  • Panelists:
    • David Carson (World Meteorological Organization)
    • Anver Ghazi (European Commission)
    • Donald Goldberg (Center for International Environmental Law)
    • Alan Miller (World Bank)
    • Hal Mooney (Stanford University)
    • Will Steffen (International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme)
    • Hassan Virji (START)


Plenary session: 
Keynote Addresses and Breakout Reports
Salon 2
Note: A video file of this session is available via C-Span's Science / Technology Archives.

11:00 -- 11:20 Invited Keynote Address

11:20 -- 11:35 Invited Keynote Address

11:35 -- 11:50 Invited Keynote Address

11:50 - 12:45 Report on Group 2 Breakout Discussions (summary presentations by moderators)


Breakout Group 3: 
Climate Change Science Program Elements

13. Climate Variability and Change
Virginia A&B

  • Moderator: Ari Patrinos (DOE)
  • Overview: Randy Dole (NOAA)
  • Rapporteurs:
    • Waleed Abdalati (NASA),
    • David Legler (U.S. CLIVAR)
  • Panelists:
    • Jim Angel (Illinois State Water Survey & University of Illinois; American Association of State Climatologists)
    • Charles Hakkarinen (Electric Power Research Institute, retired)
    • Michael Oppenheimer (Princeton University)
    • Max Suarez (NASA)

14. Climate -- Ecosystem Interactions
Salon 3

  • Moderator: Margaret Davidson (NOAA)
  • Overview: Steven Shafer (US Department of Agriculture [USDA])
  • Rapporteurs:
    • Leonard Pietrafesa (North Carolina State University)
    • Phillip Taylor (NSF)
  • Panelists:
    • Patricia Glick (National Wildlife Federation)
    • Ronald Neilson (US Forest Service [USFS])
    • Richard Norby (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
    • Larry Williams (Electric Power Research Institute)

15. Resolution of Disparities in Tropospheric Temperature Records

  • Moderator: Richard Hallgren (American Meteorological Society)
  • Overview: Thomas Karl (NOAA)
  • Rapporteurs:
    • Genene Fisher (CCSP)
    • David Goodrich (NOAA)
  • Panelists:
    • John Christy (University of Alabama in Huntsville)
    • Benjamin Santer (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
    • Fred Singer (Science and Environmental Policy Project)
    • Kevin Trenberth (NCAR)
    • Frank Wentz (Remote Sensing Systems)

16. Stabilizing Greenhouse Gases in the Earth's Atmosphere: Opportunities for Technology and Innovations

  • Moderator: Robert Socolow (Princeton University)
  • Overview: Robert Marlay (DOE)
  • Rapporteurs:
    • Michael Curtis (DOE)
    • Lisa Hanle (DOE)
  • Panelists:
    • Ken Caldeira (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
    • Brian Flannery (Exxon Mobil)
    • Linda Horton (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
    • Charles Kennel (University of California)

17. Resource Management Decision Support
Maryland B

18. Grand Challenges in Observations, Modeling, and Information Systems
Salon 2

  • Moderator: Richard Williams (USGS)
  • Overview: Jack Kaye (NASA)
  • Rapporteurs:
  • Panelists:
    • Tim Barnett (University of California)
    • Peter Cornillon (University of Rhode Island)
    • Robert Malone (Los Alamos Nat'l. Lab.)
    • Bernard Minster (University of California)
    • James O'Brien (Florida State University)
    • Steven Running (University of Montana)


Plenary Session: Keynote Address and 
Report on Group 3 Breakout Discussions
Salon 2

4:30 -- 4:50 Keynote Address:

4:50 -- 5:45 Report on Group 3 Breakout Discussions (summary presentations by moderators)

December 5, 2002
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 

Breakout Group 4: 
Cross-cutting Issues

19. Climate Variability -- Atmospheric Composition -- Water Cycle
Virginia A

  • Moderator: Berrien Moore (University of New Hampshire)
  • Overview: Gerald Stokes (Joint Global Change Research Institute)
  • Rapporteurs:
    • John Bates (NOAA)
    • Vikram Mehta (Center for Research on the Changing Earth System)
  • Panelists:
    • Ellis Cowling (North Carolina State University)
    • James Kinter (Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies)
    • Peter Lamb (University of Oklahoma)
    • Eileen Shea (University of Hawaii)

20. Carbon Cycle -- Ecosystems -- Land Use/Land Cover

  • Moderator: William Hohenstein (USDA)
  • Overview: William Emanuel (University of Virginia)
  • Rapporteurs:
    • Jeff Amthor (DOE)
    • Allen Solomon (EPA)
  • Panelists:
    • Richard Houghton (Woods Hole Research Center)
    • Daniel Lashof (Natural Resources Defense Council)
    • Steve Wofsy (Harvard University)
    • Cynthia Rosenzweig (NASA)

21. Interactions between Data, Observations, and Modeling
Salon 2

  • Moderator: Ghassem Asrar (NASA)
  • Overview: Kevin Trenberth (NCAR)
  • Rapporteurs:
    • Lisa Dilling (NCAR)
    • Sushel Unninayar (NASA)
  • Panelists:
    • Jose Achache (European Space Agency)
    • Paul Houser (NASA)
    • Sydney Levitus (NOAA)
    • Benjamin Preston (Pew Center)
    • Edward Sarachik (University of Washington)
    • Neville Smith (Australian Bureau of Meteorology)

22. Scenario Development and Risk-Based Decision Support
Delaware A&B

  • Moderator: John Houghton (DOE)
  • Overview: Henry Jacoby (MIT)
  • Rapporteurs:
    • Claudia Nierenberg (NOAA)
    • Joel Scheraga (EPA)
  • Panelists:
    • Eric Barron (Pennsylvania State University)
    • Robert Corell (Harvard University; American Meteorological Society)
    • Paul Craig (Sierra Club)
    • Philip Mote (University of Washington)
    • Richard Rosenzweig (Natsource LLC)

23. Applied Climate Modeling

  • Moderator: Richard Anthes (NCAR)
  • Rapporteurs:
    • Cliff Jacobs (NSF),
    • Tsengdar Lee (NASA)
  • Panelists:
    • Tetsuya Sato (Japan- Earth Simulator)
    • Philip Duffy (Lawrence Livermore Nat'l. Lab).
    • David Griggs (Hadley Center)
    • J. Shukla (Center for Ocean, Land, and Atmosphere Studies)
    • Julia Slingo (University of Reading)
    • Ronald Stouffer (NOAA)

24. Reporting and Outreach Plans
Virginia C


Plenary session: 
Keynote Addresses and Group 4 Breakout Reports
Salon 2

11:00 -11:15 Invited Keynote Address

11:15 -- 11:30 Invited Keynote Address: Climate Change Integration and Technology Approach

11:30 -- 12:45 Report on Group 4 Breakout Discussions


2:00 -- 4:00 
Closing Plenary Session: 
Feedback, Summary, and Future Plans
Salon 2

2:00 -- 3:00 Panel Discussion: Feedback on the draft Strategic Plan and the Workshop

3:00 -- 3:30 Summary of Key Workshop Findings

3:30 -- 4:00 Path Forward: Integrating Workshop Feedback and Preparing a Revised Research Plan

US Climate Change Science Program, Suite 250, 1717 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20006. Tel: +1 202 223 6262. Fax: +1 202 223 3065. Email: . Web: Webmaster:
US Climate Change Science Program Home Page