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Verified Retrofit Technologies from Paceco

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Paceco Corporation's MES-DPF for Diesel Electric Generators
Verification Letter (PDF)  (2 pp, 68K, June 2006)
Technology Engine
Retrofit Fuel, Max Sulfur (ppm) Reductions (%) †
Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding diesel particulate filter (MES-DPF)
Environmental Technology Verification Logo
Pre-1996 nonroad, 4-cycle, heavy-duty diesel engines in the 225 - 450 kW (NR7) power range in electrical generation applications with low sulfur diesel (less than 50 ppm) 50 39 90 n/a 95

† - Baseline assumes an unmodified engine running on diesel fuel of less than 15 ppm sulfur fuel.

The following operating criteria must be met in order for appropriately retrofitted engines to achieve the above emissions reductions:

  1. The engine should be well maintained and not consume lubricating oil at a rate greater than that specified by the engine manufacturer.
  2. The engine must be operated with a fuel that contains a sulfur content of no more than 50 ppm maximum sulfur content to achieve the reductions listed above.
  3. The engine exhaust temperature must be at least 250° C for 50% of the duty cycle. (As there may be significant variations in applications, Paceco will review actual vehicle operating conditions and perform temperature data-logging prior to retrofitting an engine with this device on an unfamiliar application.)
  4. A back-pressure monitor and warning light are to be installed on all vehicles equipped with this system.

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