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Verified Retrofit Technologies from Lubrizol

Lubrizol: PuriNOx (summer blend - fuel water emulsion)
Technology Engine
Reductions (%) †
PuriNOx (water emulsion diesel fuel) On-highway: Light-heavy (> 8,500 and < 19,500 GVWR) 55.6 13.4 9.0 -120.2
On-highway: Medium-heavy (>= 9,500 and <= 33,000 GVWR) 51.1 -25.2 10.2 -119.1
On-highway: Heavy-heavy (> 33,000 GVWR) 58.2 33.3 12.9 -87.8
On-highway: Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) 55.6 13.4 10.2 -103.2
Non-road: 0 — 100 hp 23.3 -34.7 19.3 -99.4
Non-road: 100 — 175 hp 16.8 13.4 17.0 -80.1
Non-road: 175 — 300 hp 16.8 13.4 18.8 -72.8
Non-road: > 300 hp 16.8 13.4 20.2 -30.0

† - Baseline assumes an unmodified engine running on regular 2D (<500 ppm sulfur) fuel.


The following operating criteria are required to be met when PuriNOx is used:
  1. PuriNOx is not compatible with optical or conductivity-type fuel sensors.
  2. Engines operation on PuriNOx must be run for at least 15 minutes every 30 days.
  3. End use applications must be tolerant of up to a 20% power loss when operating at maximum engine horsepower.
  4. Seals, gaskets, and materials used in equipment or engine fuel systems that are not compatible with diesel fuel are also not compatible with PuriNOx.
  5. The engine fuel filter must be changed after the first 24 hours of operation on PuriNOx.
  6. PuriNOx is compatible with most typical diesel fuel filters. PuriNOx is not compatible with water absorbing water separators, water absorbing fuel filters, or centrifugal style water separators.

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