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Clean School Bus Grants in Region 9, 2004

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Clean School Bus Program, Region 9 Grant Recipients
National Clean School Bus

South Coast Air Quality Management District

Cartoon image of a Clean School Bus

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) is the air pollution control agency for the four-county region which includes Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. There are about 4,500 heavy-duty diesel-powered school buses operating in the South Coast Air Basin. These school buses tend to be older vehicles operating on diesel engines that have significantly higher nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emission levels compared to current emission standards. In addition, diesel combustion emissions have been found to be a toxic air contaminant by the California Air Resources Board. In the South Coast Air Basin, regionwide average potential risk due to exposure to diesel combustion sources has been estimated to be about 990 in one million and represents about 70 percent of the total estimated regionwide average potential risk. Exhaust emissions from school buses pose as one of the immediate exposure to children and residents as these buses transport primarily school age children and travel in residential areas.

EPA funding complements current AQMD programs to substantially reduce such pollution and provide safer school transportation for school children. In addition, this joint effort will maximize the potential emission benefits in low income areas with high diesel and PM10 exposure. About 50% of EPA funds will cover the incremental cost to buy up to 7 new Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses, to replace 7 high emitting, pre-1987 buses. The remaining funds will be used to install up to 100 diesel oxidation catalysts on 1990 to 1993 diesel buses. All funds from EPA will be passed through to public school districts as contracts or grants.

Contact: Ranji George (909) 396 3255, rgeorge@aqmd.gov
Grant: $495,000 EPA, $255,000 South Coast AQMD, $750,000 Total

San Diego Air Pollution Control District

The County of San Diego Strategic Plan has three major initiatives: Kids, the Environment, and Safe and Livable Communities. One of San Diego Air Pollution Control District’s (SDAPCD) measures to implement the Kids initiative of the County’s Strategic Plan is to reduce exposure to toxic diesel emissions by retrofitting school buses with particle traps to counter harmful effects of diesel exhaust.

The County of San Diego has thirty-five public school districts operating 1,651 buses, including 21, pre-1977 model year buses and 85, 1978-1986 model year buses. The City of San Diego School District has the largest fleet. They currently operate 505 buses travelling an average of 21,644 miles a year.

As a result of the grant, 206 diesel powered school buses will be retrofitted with Engelhard regenerative particulate trap mufflers to operate on ultra low sulphur diesel fuel. Approximately 12.2 pounds of particulate matter per bus retrofit can be removed from the air each year.

Contact: Chuck Spagnola, 858-650-4674, Chuck.Spagnola@sdcounty.ca.gov
Grant: $355,000 EPA, $85,619 San Diego APCD, $165,000 City of San Diego = $605,619 Total

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