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Regulations & Codified CSA > CFR > Section 1316 > Section 1316.41

Code of Federal Regulations


Section 1316.41 Scope of Subpart D.

Procedures in any administrative hearing held under the Act are governed generally by the rule making and/or adjudication procedures set forth in the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 551-559) and specifically by the procedures set forth in this subpart, except where more specific regulations (set forth in Secs. 1301.51-1301.57, Secs. 1303.31-1303.37, Secs. 1308.41-1308.51, Secs. 1311.51-1311.53, Secs. 1312.41-1312.47, or Secs. 1313.51-1313.57) apply.

[36 FR 7820, Apr. 24, 1971, as amended at 37 FR 15924, Aug. 8, 1972. Redesignated at 38 FR 26609, Sept. 24, 1973, as amended at 62 FR 13970, Mar. 24, 1997]

NOTICE: This is an unofficial version. An official version of this publication may be obtained directly from the Government Printing Office (GPO).

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