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Publications and Statistics

Publications and statistics for Airports Division


Financial Audit Reports

Financial Audit Reports by Fiscal Year



Hawaii Airports and Flying Safety Guide (Informational use only)


The Hawaii Airports and Flying Safety Guide (2007-2008 Third Edition) will be available at the District Offices by the end of November 2007.  The Guide is published by the State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation Airports Division, in the interest of flight safety and the promotion of aviation in the Hawaiian Islands.  You will find a list of airport facilities, including field diagrams, traffic patterns and details which should be useful for visual approach to each airport. 


Please be aware that the information contained herein is for informational purposes only and should not be used for actual flying .


Any inquiries may be emailed to



Noise Exposure Maps for HNL


The Noise Exposure Maps (NEM) for Honolulu International Airport were prepared under the CFR 14 Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program and depict existing (2003 base year) and anticipated future noise exposure (year 2008) in order to estimate the effects of significant aircraft noise  exposure on people.  The noise contours were generated by the Federal Aviation Administration’s Integrated Noise Model from field noise measurements. 

HNL NEM Base Year - 2003  (14.8MB)

HNL NEM Five Year - 2008  (14.7MB)



Passenger Facility Charges (PFC) Reports


Quarterly Report Period ending 06-30-2007 Appl No.1R (59KB)

Quarterly Report Period ending 06-30-2007 Appl No.2R (51KB)

Quarterly Report Period ending 09-30-2007 Appl No.1R (57KB)

Quarterly Report Period ending 09-30-2007 Appl No.2R (51KB)

Quarterly Report Period ending 12-31-2007 Appl No.1R (58KB)

Quarterly Report Period ending 12-31-2007 Appl No.2R (53KB)

Quarterly Report Period ending 03-31-2008 Appl No.1 (57KB)

Quarterly Report Period ending 03-31-2008 Appl No.2 (49KB)

Quarterly Report Period ending 06-30-2008 Appl No.1R (41KB)

Quarterly Report Period ending 06-30-2008 Appl No.2 (38KB)


Any inquires may be emailed to





State of Hawaii Department of Transportation Airports Division:

Airport Activity Statistics (1874 KB).  
Current Statistics are available from the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism.


If you have any questions about the Statistics, please contact:






        Highlight version (9 minutes) Play video

        Full version (25 minutes) Play video

In 1977, Runway 8R/26L or the Reef Runway was constructed as the fourth runway for Honolulu International Airport.  It was built to handle the projected increase in passengers and to accommodate the physical requirements of the new jumbo jets.  The 12,000 feet runway added needed capacity to the Airport and cost $88 million to construct.  However, the new runway was found to destroy the bird habitats of the A’eo bird, an endangered species, and other water birds in the mudflats of Keehi Lagoon.  The U.S. Navy offered two areas in Pearl Harbor for the construction of wetlands to save the birds.  The Federal Aviation Administration helped with the cost of the mitigation which set a precedent for environmental mitigation in the United States.  Because of the joint efforts of the State DOT and DLNR, the FAA, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife the A’eo was saved and has continued to grow in population.  2007 marks the 30 th anniversary of the Reef Runway whose construction has won national engineering achievement awards.



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