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Bureau of Reclamation
Information Quality Guidelines

Peer Review

Reclamation scientific information is subject to a high degree of transparency about data and methods to facilitate the reproducibility of such information by other qualified scientists. This information has a high degree of transparency regarding (1) the source of the data used, (2) the various assumptions employed, (3) the methods applied, and (4) the statistical procedures employed. The degree of rigor with which each of these factors is presented and discussed is scaled as appropriate. If access to data and methods cannot occur due to compelling interests such as privacy, trade secrets, intellectual property and other confidentiality protections, Reclamation will, to the extent practicable, verify information and document that verification steps were taken.

Predicted Highly Influential Scientific Assessments

Per the December 15, 2004 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review, the Bureau of Reclamtion announces that the following titles of "influential scientific information" are products that will be peer reviewed as "highly influential scientific assessments."

"Influential scientific information" means scientific information that Reclamation reasonably determines will have or does have a clear and substantial impact on important public policies or private sector decisions.

An "assessment" is defined by OMB as: "an evaluation of a body of scientific or technical knowledge, which typically synthesizes multiple factual inputs, data, models, assumptions, and/or applies best professional judgment to bridge uncertainties in the available information."

A scientific assessment is a subset of "influential scientific information" and is considered "highly influential" by OMB if: "the agency or the OIRA Administrator [Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in OMB] determines the dissemination could have a potential impact of more that $500 million in any one year on either the public or private sector or that the dissemination is novel, controversial, or precedent setting, or has significant interagency interest."

Interested readers may select topics from the list below to view the peer review plans for entries currently in this category. This list will be updated as new titles emerge. At year-end, these data as well as new data will be posted on a new page on this Reclamation Web site. Readers will then be able to view peer review plans for numerous intended products and will be able to view the results of peer reviews and other details of the peer review process through the site. Links will be provided to access copies of final products when they are made available to the public.

Questions and comments about the contents of these peer review plans should be addressed via email to: Chuck Hennig
Research and Development

Current List of Peer Review Plans

Based on the review it has conducted, Reclamation has not identified any upcoming Influential Scientific Information, including Highly Influential Scientific Assessments, at this time.


Last Reviewed: 1/16/07