Ready to Answer Your Questions
The ORNL DAAC's User Services Office is the first point of contact for answering your questions concerning data and information held by the ORNL DAAC. User Services staff members are very knowledgeable about both the data ordering system and the data itself. We answer questions about data, follow up on orders, route requests to other DAACs, and direct questions we cannot answer to the appropriate information source. Contact methods:
Special Orders
If you can't use our Web or FTP systems, orders may be placed by any of the contact methods listed above.  We may also be able to accommodate special formatting or media needs. As part of the EOS Data Information System, we also accept orders placed through the EOS Data Gateway (EDG).
Free Information Packets
Our FREE new user information packet contains a variety of information from NASA Earth Science and the ORNL DAAC. No data order is required.

Online User Services
We invite you to use our on-line ordering system to receive data from the DAAC. Here are some steps.
  1. Register as a new user.
  2. Find the data you want via the data catalog or one of our search mechanisms.
  3. Put data of interest in the shopping cart.
  4. Check out (all data are FREE).
  5. Tell us how we're doing (Rate Us).